Chapter 17

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TIM POV: Blood trickles down my forehead as Derek hits my head one last time on the cement.

"Derek, unbound his hands. Not like he can do any real damage now anyways." Jack says. Derek listens. I could punch him and try to run, but I wouldn't get far. Plus, he is much larger than I am. He could easily take me out in a single punch.

Jack grabs my hair and drags me over to the edge of the garage. He leans my over the concrete barrier as I look at the 60 foot drop straight down. He presses down on my neck so the concrete barrier begins to cut of my oxygen. Right before I pass out, Jack pulls my head up, allowing oxygen back in my body. I gag.

"Didn't think I'd let you go that easily huh Tim?" Jack says. I hear metal chains drag across the ground as Jack pulls up my shirt. I let out a howl of agonizing pain as I'm whipped with the cold, heavy chains. I lost count of how many times they whipped me, but I knew one thing. My back was on fire. Jack left the garage for a minute to speak with Derek, who must be his head guy.

Two of Jacks Guards watch me as I see Jack's phone on the table which is now directly above me. I slowly slide it off the table while the guards are called over to Jack. I was going to call 9-1-1, but Faith is already with the police, and I need to hear her voice.

I dial her number quickly, praying I have enough time. Faith picks up on the first ring.


"Faith, honey please help me. I'm in a parking garage in South Nashville. It's the only shutdown garage in the area. Bring the police and do not let the girls come up. Please hurry. They're watching you." I say quietly, hoping Jack is still occupied.

"Alright we are on our way. Just hold on for me baby okay? Everything is going to be alright. The Nashville police department is already on their way okay. What do you mean they're watching us?"

"They had a picture of you guys through one of the windows. Somebody is outside of the house and is ready to hurt you guys if I get away. Make sure the girls come with you, but do not let the girls come up and see me like this." I say.

"Is it bad?"

"Yeah. I don't know how long I can hold on Faith."

"Tim, don't say that.". Just then I hear cop sirens close. Jack looks back in my direction.

"I love you."

"Tim wait-" I hung up. I can't let them know I called her, so I delete the history quickly and slide the phone far from where I am. 

"Who called the cops?" Jack said frantically. He looks back at me. "I guess we will just have to speed up the process then now won't we?" He grabs a gun and I.

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