Chapter 39

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TIM POV: "I wanna get lost in some corner booth, Cantina Mexico. I wanna dance to the static of an A.M. radio. I wanna wrap the moon around us and lay beside you skin on skin. Make love 'til the sun comes up and the sun goes down again, cause I need you" Faith belts out flawlessly. She makes me melt. I just can't stop smiling tonight, and I don't know why. The fact that I'm on stage infront of thousands with the woman of my dreams and my children are right backstage probably contribute to that. I'm just genuinly happy.

I walk back to the main part of the stage while Faith stays back on one of the wings. I'm about to grab a guitar when all hell breaks loose. A loud explosion sounds off as people are screaming. I see Faith, who is on the ground, but okay and I run for her. Just then two other explosions sound off, one just feet away from Faith. I scream as I see blood. I hear the girls scream behind me. Gracie is on the ground. I look between the two and try to decide. I see Betty wave me to go to Faith as she takes care of the girls.

"Faith, oh baby. Honey, stay with me okay?" I say. Her eyes are wide open. She looks horrified. Her right leg is pretty much nothing but flesh and there is sharpnel all over her. I hold her close to try and comfort her for a second. Then, gunshots begin to ring through the arena into our area. I panic. 

"Honey, I have to get you out of here okay? I'm going to pick you up and I know it's going to hurt but I need to get you out of here." I say. And that's when I see him. Jack is shooting at the people who can't run, even children. He kicks over a body to identify it, but realizes it's not who he's looking for and moves on, shooting anything that moves. 

I pick up Faith and she groans in pain. We need to get out of here.

I take her out back where ambulances are already piling in. They have no idea there's a shooter in there. I put her on a gurney and tell one of the first responders that there is a shooter in the building. They panic as they try to relay the message. 

"Faith, stay with me. Everything is going to be okay, alright? I'll keep you safe." I say trying to wipe the blood off of her to see where she's bleeding. She has burn wounds all over her body. She's been groaning ever since the explosion. I've wiped off everything but her right leg. I begin to wipe it down as she screams. 

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry honey. I won't touch it." She begins to cry. I feel helpless. No EMT's have made their way back to take care of her yet, so my basic first aid is all we have right now. 

"Girls?" She says.

"They're with Betty honey. She took them somewhere safe."

"Girls!" She says again, but this time pointing behind me. 

Jack is there holding a gun up to Audrey's head as she wails.

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