First official date?

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Loui's P.O.V

"Niall put this on!" I said and handed him a suit and bow tie. I had my suit on already. Niall doesnt even know I'm bringing him on a date. When he finds out where, oh my god hes gonna die. Niall came out and looked at me. "Come on love." I said and held his hand. I brought him out the the Audi R8 my dad got me last year for my birthday and jumped in. Damn the leather seats! I love my baby, the car. "Niall this is my other car. i got it last year when I turned 18." I said. "I want it!" he whined. "Awe baby. I can drive you in it! But I dont trust anyone in this. Im sorry" I said and kissed his cheek. "Now off to out destination!!!"I said and drove down town "Where are we going?" he asked. "You'll see." I said and pulled up to a very fancy Italian restaurant. "whoa." Niall said as we got out of the car. "Surprise! Its a date!" I said. "I hate you." Niall said. "No you dont! You love me!" I said. "I do." he said. "Um were not getting married. But I do to. I said and we laughed. We walked in and the person looked at us "Reservation for Tomlinson." I said and she nodded. She brought us to a small booth in the corner of the room. They ordered our drinks and we both chose a Pepsi. We had a conversation and the waiter came over to us. "Hello gentlemen. What would you like today?" he asked. "I'll have, pasta and garlic bread." Niall said. "Same as him please." I said and he nodded. After he left I tapped Niall on the knee. "Yeah." he said. "Do you like it?" I asked. He nodded. "It's awesome. It smells great in here. "Here is your food gentlemen." The waiter said and we devoured our food. I payed the bill and drove to a park. I got out and took Niall's hand lacing out fingers together. "I love you baby." I said and kissed his cheek. "I love you to." he said and kissed my cheek as well. We walked through the park and it was getting really late. "Come on love. Lets go home." I said. He nodded and we walked out of the park to see a truck crashed into my car and a guy stick out the window. "MY CAR!" I screamed. "Loui calm down please!" Niall said pulling me into a hug and soothingly rubbing my back. "That was my favorite one!" I said into his shoulder. "look at me." Niall said. I looked at him with watery eyes. "Lets walk home." he said I nodded and we just left. Fuck that guy. You wreaked my car!

{Time skip}

"Were home" I said and sighed. "Loui! Your Audi isnt in the garage like it normally is!!! Where is it?" Lottie asked. "I dont wanna talk about it." I said. "Did it get stolen?" Daisy asked. "Yeah!!!" the girls said agreeing to Daisy's question. They asked random questions and it got on my nerves. "SHUT UP! SOME DRUNK ASS FUCKING DRIVER WREAKED IT! OK? ITS IN THE PARK WREAKED! YOU HAPPY I TOLD YOU? GOD!" I screamed and the girls all went pale. "Loui. You need to calm down." Niall said. I ran upstairs and slammed the door. Niall came in and pulled me into a hug. "Come on love, dont be mad please. You scared your sisters, and me." he said. "S-sorry I just-" I was cut off by screaming "LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON! DOWN. HERE. NOW!" someone screamed. I walked downstairs to see a pissed off father of mine and disappointed looking mother. "Louis. What happened?" Dad asked sternly. "I-I... I got upset ok? The girls got on my nerves. I couldnt help it." I said and felt a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Niall on the stairs. "Go apologize to your sisters NOW!" dad said. I walked off with Niall and the girls looked at me scared. "G-girls. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I just got mad because my favorite car got wreaked." I said chuckling of how much I love that car. "Its ok Loui. We still love you." they all said at the same time. "Illuminati confirmed." Niall said which caused us all to laugh. "Come on love lets go to bed. You need to rest." Niall said and we went upstairs stripping into our boxers and going to bed.

A/N Damn. Who knew that Loui would burst like that. Bye guys!!!!!

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