Chapter 3: Period 1

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As soon as my friends and I sat down for class our lecture started from our new teacher....After Mr. Dok finished the tour of the room and the rules I noticed Eren nodding off.
"Eren! Come on bro wake up!!" I whispered harshly. I began to through paper wads at his face. Then immediately stopped when someone in front of me cleared their throat.
"Arlert! Jaeger! See me after school!" Mr. Dok growled at us, Eren snapped up and Mikasa sighed.
"Honestly you two....." She groaned, I slammed my head on the desk and class dragged on.

"Eren! Stop falling asleep we have to stay after already," Armin pinched my ear. I slapped his face, I could hear Mikasa smirk (wow much English I speak😂) . I slowly dragged my ass out of my seat and we walked to economics...

+++Skip to Lunch+++
Slam! I heard someone's face smack against the table beside me, the poor guy was getting beaten up by a short girl.
"I hope you bleed out!" She snarled.
"Are you trying to put reins on me Petra?" The boy asked and smirked, her scowl turned into some sort of demonic lookin thing as she slapped him and walked away.
"Well damn! Hey u good dude?" I lightly tapped his shoulder.
"Tch. Listen here kid, I am the greatest man you will ever see of course I'm fine! Names Oluo by the way" The boy called Oluo scoffed and walked away to where the girl I assumed to be Petra was sitting.
"Well that was odd..." Mikasa replied flatly, I nodded and we headed off towards the gym for P.E. which Armin calls physical torture.

+++During Gym+++

We were running outside on the track when I suddenly heard a certain someone laugh his ass off at a certain coconut. I turned around to find Armin laying face flat in the gravel.
"Well help him up asshole!" I laughed and pushed Eren towards him, he replied by flipping me off and helping him up.
"Alright people get back inside and go change clothes!" The gym teacher shouted across the field. Walked back to the gym without waiting for the boys, when I finally got back inside I practically fell down the stairs to the locker room. I felt someone grab my arm, and looked up to see a tall black haired girl standing there. (Okay so if any of you have seen survey corpse I'm going to use Lani for my story, I'm not trying to steal the character or anything I just thought Mikasa should get some action xD)
"Hey there, you okay? Names Lani nice to meet you beautiful," The person who lifted me up asked. I felt the heat rise to my face and I pulled up my scarf.
"M-Mikasa, sorry for running into you..." I quickly walked over to my locker and changed, when I looked back I saw Lani standing there still staring at me.
"Uh, Lani are you okay?" I asked, she looked away and apologized.
"Yeah its just you have a really nice body- I mean scarf, bye Mikasa nice um running into you!" Lani laughed nervously and quickly left. After that I awkwardly left the room and found Eren and Armin waiting.
"Hey Mika, you should cut your hair its getting kinda long yeah?" Eren flicked my hair, I grabbed a strand and nodded. After that school ended and we walked home, grateful school was over for the day.
(A/N sorry I took so long and I apologize also for the short ass chapters...well author-kun out!!!!

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