Chapter 13

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On the way to A C K E R M A N / Z Ö E / S M I T H: (Levi pov)

The last thing I heard before I feel asleep was Hanji talking to Eren as we walked home.

"Eren, I should thank you for helping Levi, he really means a lot to me, he may not look like it but he really does like you!"

"R-Really, I uh umm......"

"Oh don't get all flustered I mean as a friend silly!" I heard Hanji laugh.

"Oh. Hanji can I tell you something and can you promise not to tell Levi or anyone else?"

"Of course anything for my titan baby!"

"Tita- never mind. Okay so um I like Levi too...." I felt a blush creep up on my face and hid it by moving into Eren's chest.

"Oh honey I knew that already oh look we're here!" I heard Hanji bound up th steps and Eren sat on the couch still holding me in his arms. After that my world slipped into blackness.

I walked out of Eren and I's bedroom and followed the smell of meat out onto the patio.

"Whatcha smokin, smokin?" I said tiredly as I walked up next to Eren, he bent down and kissed my belly and then went back to doing Eren stuff.

"Just making steak for later tonight, Armin and Mikasa are coming over, they are bringing over somekind of fruit salad" I nodded, rubbed my back and then sat down in one of the lawn chairs and groaned.

"What's wrong baby?" Eren said from behind me still at the grill, I closed my eyes as I felt the baby kick.

"Nothing, I probably slept wrong," I sighed and stood up walking over to the pool and feeling the water.

"Eren I'll be right back," He mumbled something and I walked back inside putting on a swimsuit (im not a guy so I dont know what they call swimsuits xD) I picked up a towel and walked back outside to the pool to see Eren done with cooking and taking off his shirt, I came up behind him and pushed him as hard as I could into the pool. He came up sputtering.

"Ah! Cold cold cold, Levi why me?" He whined taking my towel and drying himself off, I sat down on the edge still chuckling. He swam between my legs and looked up at me.

"So rude..."

"Oh stop whining, can u get me a floatie thing?" He nodded and swam over to get a black inner tube and then swam back handing it to me and lifting me off the edge.

"Brat I swear on freckled jesus if you drop me....." He chuckled and gently placed me into the tube I adjusted myself and he pushed me around the pool.

"Eren look!" I took his hands and place them on the bottom of my belly and saw the baby kicking and I started laughing. I heard sniffling behind me and turned myself around to see Eren crying, I moved myself off the tube and swam us to the steps. I leaned in slightly and pressed my lips to his. Eren leaned into the kiss and we pulled away a few minutes later, tears still streaming down his face. I sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer.

"Awe baby don't cry.....tell me what's wrong?" I cooed moving his head to my shoulder as he answered.

"I-It's jus-st, I'm....We're so lucky Levi, those were happy tears" He pulled away from my shoulder and pulled me to his lap, cupping my face in his hands. We both leaned in and our lips collided, the same sparks I felt when we met blew up inside me again, it was like falling in love all over a second time.

"Levi I want to tell you something..." Eren said after we pulled away. I nodded in response, my steely grey eyes looking into his ocean teal ones.

"I love you, Levi" This time it was my turn to cry, I felt his arms wrap around me and I let all my emotions out onto his neck (wow that sounds weird xD) after a few minutes of sobbing I looked back up at him.

"I love you too, so so much, I will, forever and always"

"Levi, Levi are you okay?!" I slipped back into consciousness and saw Eren, Mikasa, Armin and Hanji all staring down at me.

"Levi are you okay you were crying in your sleep," Hanji questioned, feeling my head. I reached up and rubbed my eyes getting rid of the wetness.

"Tch. Back off guys I'm fine" I sighed and walked into the kitchen, I heard someone follow me I turned to see Eren there.

"What was the dream about?"

"I'll tell you some other time," I smirked and rummaged through the fridge. He nodded and walked back to the living room.

(Eren POV)

I padded back over to the living room to see my friends eagerly awaiting my response.


"He said he would tell me some other time, besides it was just a dream guys" I sighed and plopped back down on the couch, switching on the TV. I assumed they gave up and sat down next to me. Armin and Hanji argued between watching Black Butler or Blue Exorcist, I silenced both of them and picked Ouran Highschool Host Club, everyone seemed satisfied at my choice. A few minutes later Levi came back with tea and sat on the love seat next to us watching the big screen.

"I didn't know you liked anime too Levi" I commented after the first episode, he looked over at me boredly.

"I guess I never told you. Hit play shitty glasses" he replied and we continued on watching. After awhile we got bored and I suggested we play a game.

"How about truth or dare?" Mikasa suggested.

"But I don't know any good questions" Armin chimed in, we agreed but Levi pulled out his phone.

"I have truth or dare on here," He said triumphantly, I chuckled and he entered our names and it randomly picked who went first. It landed on Armin.

"Oh it's me!" He picked truth and the question appeared on the screen.

Have you had your first kiss yet? Armin nodded his head and a blush appeared on his face the four of us gasped and Hanji looked over to Mikasa.

"Hopefully his next question wil be who was his first kiss!" The both of them giggled and Levi tapped the picker again it landed on me and I picked dare.

Take off one piece of clothing, I got a lot of 'oooohhhhs' from everyone and I just rolled my eyes. I took off my bracelet and laughed.

"There!" Everyone laughed and this time it landed on Hanji.....


(Thanks for reading luv u <3)

Words: 1160

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