Chapter 19

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(Wow we made it to over 200 woop woop 🙌 sooo I have no idea how to end off this story or when to for that matter please comment so I have an idea what to do thx)

(Levi Pov)
SLAM! I immediately jumped up from the lounge and looked around for the source of the loud noise. I shrugged my shoulders and was about to sit back down when I heard the most annoying noise any human could ever witness. That damn shit for brains! Does she have any idea how early it is?!
"LEEEEVVVVIIIII!" I groaned audibly and plopped back down, looking back to my phone.
"Hello four-eyes....."
"Where's Eren?" She questioned and walrus flopped next to me, I gave up on instagram and went to The messaging app, opening up Eren and I's conversation.

Me: where are you Jaeger, shit for brains wants to see you
Brat: Turn around...
I turned off my phone and swiveled around to see the ocean eyes brat standing there, smirking at me. His expression made me scoff but I stood up and pulled him away from Hanji.
"I wanted to tell you something," I replied straight faced. He motioned for me to continue.
"I joined the wresting team and I noticed that Horseface did too." He scowled at the last part.
"He knows he can't fight so what the hell?" I laughed slightly at his reaction and pulled him back to Hanji. She was talking with someone on the phone and laughing, at one point she even blushed which caught Eren and me by surprise.
"Hanji who were you talking to?" Eren asked, somewhat interested, in his eyes though I could tell he really didn't give a rat's ass.
"O-Oh no one in particular!" She replied too quickly and when back to her phone. She quickly glanced at the two of us and then walked away, probably to talk to her not so secret admirer, when I looked away from Hanji and back to Eren I noticed he was already staring at me, we made eye contact before turning away and blushing.
"So...." Eren started speaking but then trailed off before he even said anything. I turned to him, a worried look across my face.
"Eren are you alright?" I cupped his face in my hands to make him look at me, he stared for a moment and then smiled one of his timeless smiles and assured me he was fine. I nodded and turned around to find that Mikasa and Armin had arrived, I waved slightly they returned the gesture.
"How nice of you to join us. What were you guys doing for like two hours" Eren asked skeptically while into their souls. Armin laughed nervously and went over to talk to Hanji. Mikasa looked at me and then to Eren, after that she shook her head.
"I still can't get over the two of you, Levi if you ever hurt Eren....Same to you Eren, don't mess this up" Mikasa said darkly leaving me feeling somewhat of intimidated, the fact that she smiled at the end made the hair on my neck stand up.      I have a feeling this is going to be a long day.

I am sorry for such a short chapter and that this took so long, sadly I'm ending this story next chapter with a huge time jump it's a crappy way to end this but I can't think of anyway else. Words 580

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