c'est la fin

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This is it guys, the last chapter....don't worry I'll make it long to make up for the last chapter, luv u guys and thank you so much for reading this story. I'm going to be writing a new and even better story called Antithesis, I hope some of you will stick around to read that one. Sorry if you don't like the format of this last chapter *shrugs* lets do this.

Eren's POV (time skip to 3 years later, half an hour before graduation)

This last year is finally over and what I'm planning on doing with my life....I have no idea. Levi and I have gotten a place together after four years of dating and we've certainly had our ups and downs but we've managed to put up with each other and I think I can speak for the both of us when I say that I could never live without him...I love Levi so much and I would give up my life for him so that's why today after we leave this god damn school I hate so much, I'm going to give him a promise ring. When I finally pulled myself out from my thoughts I found that it was almost time for them to give away diplomas and honestly I'm nervous but excited to finally be done.
(I don't know how this works because I've never been to a graduation ceremony so forgive me if it sucks)
"Levi Ackerman.....Elisabeth Acord...." The principal began to call off names and shook their hands, although the whole time....I watched Levi.
"Hey sexy" he whispered in my ear as he walked past to his seat. Damn him for leaving me a ball of nerves right now! I finally tuned in when they called out the dude in front of me.
"Lashauntay Jadeja......Eren Jaeger" I stood up mechanicslly and walked up the steps to receive my ticket to freedom. Most kids when they walked up just smiled and walked off but me? Nope. I am the jägerbomb and I sauntered my way up to that stage and grabbed my diploma, and shook my principal's hand, which earned me a pat on the back and I walked off the stage, still grinning. Levi and I both made eye contact and I gave him the same smirk he gave me but much to my dismay he only gave me a smug look back.
"Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you...."
A few other couples walked out of their seats and stood by their partners, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Levi come rushing over to me and just like in the cheesy romance movies...

Eren and Levi's POV

Time seemed to slow to an unbelievable pace. I realize now that he's the guy I wsnt in my life. I love him....

Levi's POV

I ran out of my sest and over to Eren, his arms open waiting for me. The sound of his beautiful laughter filled my ears as I clung to him.
".....I present to you..."
In anticipation all of the graduates grabbed their hats and waited except Eren, who turned to me, grabbed my hands and seemed to be studying my face. I stared into those ocean colored orbs that I loved so much.
"I love you..." we both confirmed to each other at the same time.
"The class of 2021!!!" as soon as the year left his lips everyone in the whole arena cheered, confetti was thrown, and do you know what the best part was? I got to kiss Eren for what seemed like the millionth time only this time, he slipped something onto my ring finger, when I looked down at the beautiful ring, he whispered in my ear
"promise me.... You'll marry me someday yeah?" I looked back up to see his cheeky smile and I almost melted in his arms. I stood on my toes and picked his lips then I took of his hat and mine then threw them up along with everyone else. Today was truly the happiest day of my life.
(time skip to 7 years later after college)
I came thundering down the steps from eren and I's shared bathroom and ran into the art room to see Eren in all his husbandly glory panting a beautiful painting of two birds, one blue and one white soaring into a sunrise. He set down his paintbrush and sat back to study his work. I smirked at his cute face and snuck behind him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I peppered his nape with kisses.
"wow hello to you too beautiful what's up?" he asked, turning around to face me. I thrust the pregnancy test I was holding in his face, he chuckled slightly and took it from my hands, as he stared at the two lines I saw his face light up.
"oh my god Levi!!!! This is so great!" he squealed and held my waist, kissing my stomach.
"does this mean I can call you mommy levi now?" he smirked and looked up at me. I thwacked his head and frowned.
"No you ass. But I will call you daddy" I laughed at his shocked expression and waited by the door for him.
"come on brat we need to go baby shopping" I heard his laugh behind me.
"now that just sounds weird, baby shopping" we both stood there laughing at his idiocy for a few minutes but then we calmed down enough to walk to my CCXR Trevita (factoid: that car irl costs 4.8 mil.) when we arrived at the store Eren jumped out and ran to my side, opening the door for me and we walked inside hand in hand.
(after ze babies are born, eren's pov)
I was currently sitting in the hospital holding our two baby girls Elise who had brown whisps on her head and silver eyes, and Faye who is bald but I assume she has black hair, and her eyes are green. (I was literally bald until I was almost one and my parents thought I would never have hair, but mine is so thick now it's not even funny) levi was sleeping in the hospital bed and looked so peaceful, we would get to leave in two days because they wanted to make sure everything was fine. I heard levi stirring and looked up to see him staring at me through sleepy eyes.
"you're going to be a great dad eren" I smiled at him and walked over, kissing his forehead.
"thanks levs, I love you"
"I love you to brat..."

c'est la fin

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