Chapter 5: In School Suspension prt 2

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(A/N So the whole stabbing someone with glass thingy is a huge fiasco rn. So basically I said I was going to stab this one guy because he hurt me along with multiple people ()I said it in a joking way() he took it literally and now he might sue my family for "threating him" I'm so mad, yall don't even understand)

M A R I A  H I G H:  S C I E N C E C L A S S__

(Armin POV)

I was ya know minding my own business and doing my work in science when whaddya know? The main office lady comes on the intercom.

"Eren Jaeger come to the office please, Eren Jaeger to the office the principle wants to see you..." the automated voice spoke. Eren stands up, grabs his stuff and turns around to look at me and I salute him (aot style) he does it back and quietly leaves the classroom.

[]Eren POV[]

The sound of my black converse clicked down the laminated hall as I quietly slinked into the main office. I had never gotten into trouble so I had no idea where I was going.

"U-Um excuse me? Yeah uh where's the principle's office?" I asked the front desk lady Mrs. Ral (I assumed it was Petra's mom) , she smiled and led me to his office.

"Mr. Zackley will see you soon love," She smiled. I heard the office ladies talking about me outside the door,

"That Jaeger boy is so cute, if only I was my daughter's age!" One of them giggled they continued to chatter until who I assumed to be Mr. Zackley walk in. Now, keep in mind I had never met this man before so I had no idea what he would be like. He leaned slightly towards his computer to check something and then leaned back towards me.

"What's your name again boy?" He asked sternly.

"Eren Jaeger sir..."

"Alright so it says here that you 'jokingly' threatened a student correct?"

"I didn't really-"

"This is no joke son, threatening someone is a serious matter. Now what I really wanted to ask was, were you actually going to stab Jean?"

"Of course not, my sister Mikasa and I were at our lunch table when I was joking about it. My best friend Armin thought I was serious and must have told Jean"

"That's precisely what happened, now three things would've made this situation better. One, if Jean wouldn't have gotten the administration involved. Two, if Armin wouldn't have told Jean. And three, if you just wouldn't have joked about it in the first place..." I nodded my head and apologized and then he went over the plan on what they were going to do with me.

"Well Eren we know you're a good kid and this is your first offence, so I'm going to give you the lightest punishment I can give you. One and a half days of in school suspension starting now, it will last until tomorrow before your lunch period, got it?"

"Yes sir, thank you sir..." After explaining that to me he lead me to my asylum-like room. It even had padded walls. (At my school they have three levels of offences the first one is like minor things like misbehaving in class, that room has the door open, fluffy chairs and fun things like that. The next one is for like stealing where there is nothing in the room except for a table and chairs and a file cabinet. The last one is for actual dangerous things like in my case, threating someone. It has padded walls and door, and there is a window to check on you. According to my principle I was considered a dangerous person >:/)   



"You can go get your stuff from your locker that you might need okay?"

"Okay, can I go to the bathroom too?"

"Sure" The only reason I asked Mr. Zackley that was so I could talk to Mikasa. When I finally got back to my locker there was ten minutes of class left, I grabbed my sketch book, Mockingjay, and my diary (don't judge Eren already gets sass xD). Then I walked across the hall to my science room, to talk to Mikasa..

{}Mika-chu POV{}

We were silently working on sorting microbes from human cells when I heard a soft tap on the window, the only other person that noticed it was Armin.

"Who is it?" I mouthed to him

"Eren" He replied, my eyes got wide...

"Excuse me may I use the restroom please?" I asked the teacher, she looked over at me and waved me off. I walked outside to meet him, he looked at me sadly and I returned the look but with more pity, I didn't even have to ask what happened.

"Eren,'re strong, real strong. And anyone who says you can't get through this is a coward. Remember what you told me that day? You said fight Mikasa! Fight and live!" I said proudly and ran over for a hug, I felt hot tears on my shoulder and rubbed his back, then I noticed Eren had gotten taller than me.

"When did you get taller than me little man?" I laughed, and ruffled his hair. He laughed as well after some time.

"Well Mika-chu, I better get back to my room, thanks" Eren sadly smiled and walked back to hell. I retreated back to the classroom and pulled up my scarf. 

"What happened?" Armin mouthed, I shook my head and continued my work, for a few minutes and then the bell rang signaling that third period is over....


Words: 941 

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