Chapter 16

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I N  T H E  G Y M L O C K E R R O O M_ (Eren POV)
(A/N writing this on my phone, no editing sry)

Levi was glaring at the two boys fighting and I just sighed, still continuing to change into my gym clothes, by the time that I finished, most people had left to go upstairs including Armin who was more than likely going to find the principle or at least a gym teacher.
"Oi, think we should stop them." Levi said nonchalantly, and poked my arm. I nodded and hopped over the bench, from the looks of it, Oluo had decided to momentarily stop kicking the crap out of the poor freshman. He was about to kick him in the ribs when I pushed him backwards, resulting in him falling on the ground.
"Oluo stop!" I warned as he tried to get back up, out of my peripheral vision I saw a very annoyed short raven swiggity swag his way over to our current location (aka the floor).
"This is boring, can we please move this along." Levi stated and I chuckled slightly, then stood up but as I started walking away, Oluo pushed me into a locker making me cut my hand. Before I could even turn around I heard the blood curdling crack of bones being broken. I felt a pair of strong arms lift me up and then I was thrown over their shoulder. I looked down to see who he was and noticed a bored Levi. I immediately panicked.
"Oh my god Levi! You know you shouldn't be carrying me!" I exclaimed as he set me gently down on the ground. He rolled his eyes and walked up the stairs to the gym, I was hurrying after said shortie.
"Are you sure you're alright Levs?"
"*sighs* Eren, shut up" I of course obeyed him while we walked over to where the others were standing. Suddenly I heard him chuckle beside me as he looked up to my somewhat disappointed face. Levi pinched my shoulder gently and made eye contact.
"I was kidding brat, yes I'm fine. If you keep asking me that though *levi glare* I will cut your tongue off my nails and give it Hanji to experiment on" Ba dump.... I stood silently staring into space as Armin jogged up to me.
"Hey Eren! What happened wi-"blah blah blah blah wait so would he really cut my tongue off? Wouldn't I die or something? No Eren, you're just paranoid...
"Earth to Eren!" I heard snapping and Armin voice in the distance, soon I snapped out of my daze and stared and him.
"What'd you say? I was spacing out, sorry"
"Ugh you're hopeless, how do you expect to date someone as complicated as Levi if you can't even listen to me" Armin groaned and gave me a mom glare. My face grew hot as I snuck at glance at Levi stretching.
"H-How did you kno-ow about tha-at A-Armin?" He chuckled slightly and mumbled something about cluelessness.
"Eren you're dumb! You and Levi are the biggest ship in the whole school!" As soon as he said that, Levi turned to me and waved, I blushed and looked away, crossing my arms. My best friend the coconut dragged me over to Levi and the others in our gym class. For some reason we weren't even late to gym at all. Most of the girls were either staring at Levi's biceps, my abs through my tight shirt, or typical meathead jocks. I sighed and Levi gave me a I questioning look, I simply shook my head and rubbed my old shoulder scar that was from bad memories. I felt Levi's soft but strong hands move my own rough ones and he started massaging my back. We sat there silently and enjoyed each other's company until from across the gym our gym teacher yelled.
"Jaeger, Ackerman! You're making all the girls squeal with your PDA, stop it and come over here!" He yelled, and then turned his attention to whatever he was doing before, we soon arrived behind our other classmates and then listened to instruction.
"Levs, wanna be partners for ping pong?" Levi nodded and threw a paddle to me but when he started walking over, he suddenly stopped and held his head in immense pain. Me being the overprotective joe that I am, rushed over to Levi and picked him up like a baby and rushed down to the locker room stalls, locking the door and still holding Levi. He seemed to calm down a bit and was staring into my eyes.
"Eren somethings wrong....The baby...I feel empty..." he struggled to stay conscious and then was rushed to the hospital. When we finally got a room, Levi had woke up and wrapped his arms around my neck. I gently put him down in the table and the doctor who's name tag read Dr. Michaelis checked his stomach and then wore a grim face.
"Pardon me, but the gel might be cold." He stated politely and Levi gripped my hand tighter as he applied it, turning the camera on the three of us looked eagerly into the camera to see what was happening.
"So Mr.Ackerman and Mr.Jaeger correct? (We both nodded) you two are pretty young to be having kids. We both nodded silently and he turned back to the screen.
"Well I am very sorry to tell you this, you've lost the baby" As soon as he uttered those words I felt numb, looking back down at Levi I noticed he was fighting to hold back tears. I softly placed a kiss on his forehead and squeezed his hand. With the other he put on his stomach and looked back at me.
"No one should've deserved this, poor kid...I wanted to give them a chance to live even thou-" He broke down and immediately I showered his face with kisses trying to comfort him. Dr. Michaelis paid us no charge and we exited the hospital, across the street from that was a park, so I led him there and we enjoyed the birds chirping and other couples walking around.
"I would've named them Faye or Luke"
"The kid Eren, I had already thought of baby names, even though it wasn't yours, would you still have loved them?" I chuckled and nudged his nose with mine.
"Of course, you know that I would never leave you, I was always love you Levi" he gasped slightly and pulled my head down to kiss me.
"Levi, will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?" He laughed and nodded his head, then we kissed for a long time but not one of those heated make out sessions, nope, just pure love. When I pulled away Levi was looking and his hands.
"I love you too Eren" we both smiled and walked around the trail, hand in hand conversing casually the whole way.
"Hey Eren?"
"I wanna get a tattoo"
"Why not? *whines*" I chuckled slightly at his protest and then bent down close to his ear.
"Because daddy says no" I licked his ear in the process and then stood back up like nothing happened. I snuck a glance at Levi to see him staring straight ahead with light pink cheeks, I laughed hysterically at this and he made a squish face, but that quickly turned into a devious smirk. Well I'm screwed. He sat me down on a bench and then walked away, but soon he walked back over, swinging his his while doing so, making sure no one was around, he sat right on my crotch and my dick obviously poking his ass, I held his back with my hands as he pushed himself further and made the most lewd noise I have ever heard him make.
"Daddy-y p-please, I want you in me," he moaned out right next to my ear. I picked him up, he was practically panting as I sat him down on the soft moss in the forest, vines were surrounding us every way.
-time skip because I can't write smut-
" can I get a tattoo?" Levi panted out and fell on my chest. I chuckled and laid down holding him close to me.
"Well you had me at the lap dance but after just now I don't think you'll be able to walk"
(A/N thank you so much to those of you who've read this story, when it turned into an mpreg idk but anywho I apologize for taking so long to update, take care)
Words: 1450

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