Chapter 7: Fortune Cookie

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O n  T h e  W a y  T o  1 2 t h :  (Levi POV) 

We were supposed to be going to the 12th ward, but Erwin decided we should stop for food at Panda Express.

"Oi! Four-eyes what do you want?"

"Mushroom chicken and fried rice", I raised an eyebrow at her and walked over to the counter to order.

"One bowl of Teriyaki Chicken with steamed rice, and one bowl of Mushroom Chicken with Fried Rice please," I said to the woman flatly, then I gave her my signature smile that Eyebrows and four-eyes said looked "hot", I went over to the register and payed for our food with my debit card (Which was actually our commanding officer's, he gave it to us because he trusts us though). After that I sauntered over to where the others were sitting and ate my food.

"Erwin, hand me the file I want to see what kind of brat we are in charge of,"

"Here..." Erwin pulled out the file and handed it to me, then I begun to look it over. 

(I was way to lazy to actually copy everything down so just skip to after Levi looks at the file. Also i apologize that I'm all over the place with this story, I just have a lot on my mind rn :3)

" he's kinds um" I blushed as Eyebrows and Glasses started laughing.

"I knew he'd like him!!!" The boy asked, I continued eating my food in silence as they taunted me. After everyone was done eating their food (That i paid for) we went back to the car and our driver started back to Shiganshina.

"So, Levi, Hanji.....I haven't said this before, but I actually want to try and complete highschool. Mr. Reiss probably didn't tell you guys this, but if we complete this mission well then this could be our last. I think he wants us to try and have normal lives." Erwin broke the silence and Hanji got a stoic look on her face that I've never seen before.

"But......does this mean I will loose the both of you?"

"Tch. What the hell kind of a cheesy line is that?...........of course you won't loose us you uncultured swine," I scoffed, Erwin and Glasses both chuckled and silence loomed over us once again. 

S H I G A N S H I N A:      (Still Levi POV)

When we finally got to the house that we were temporarily living in, it was about three a.m. and i walked into the kitchen to get some tea, when the the tall set of eyebrows walked in.

"You should probably go to sleep Levi,"

"Erwin, I rarely slept in that amazing psych ward you put I think I'm fine" Erwin looked away, and quietly walked into the living room to watch T.V. I really knew how to hurt him sometimes, I feel bad because it's painfully obvious that he still likes me, but I just never really felt any attraction to people. Well until I saw that pictur- never mind......

I casually strolled outside to get a feel for the neighborhood and eventually found myself sitting alone in a park. I didn't see anyone and it took me a minute to figure out why.

"Je suis tellement idiot parfois ..." I spoke to myself and walked back to the house.

I N  T H E  M O R N I N G

I woke up to find the four eyes staring at me rather creepily, and flicked her head. She muttered an ouch, and I got up off the couch which I must've fell on last night. I looked over at the clock to read it.

6:00 a.m.

I walked into my room to find Erwin standing there looking very guilty about something.

"Levi, I'm really sorry I didn't mea-"

"Erwin shut up, I have to get ready so get out" suddenly I found myself being pushed on the bed and Erwin looming over me. He leaned forward and parted his lips, by the time I realized what was going on it was already too late, I tried pushing away but he was too strong, but then he slid his hand up my shirt and pinched my nipples, I accidentally left a moan escape my lips and I felt the heat rise to my face, he kept letting his hands wander and I finally had the strength to push him off. I apparently had the strength to push him all the way to the wall.

"What. The. Hell. Was. That" I growled at him, his eyes got wide when he realized what he did. I held the collar of his shirt and gave him my most deadliest stare, he looked away.

"I'm sorry I thought you-"

"If you want to keep your filthy hands I suggest you never touch me again.......unless you want me to cut them off," I let him go and he walked quickly out of the room. I sighed and went over to my closet to pick out clothes. I put on a dark grey beanie, black leather pants and a black varsity jacket. For shoes I just wore black combat boots. A lot of black, I know, but I wasn't really in the mood for colors right now. I stepped out into the living room to see Hanji standing there wearing a red and black flannel shirt, acid wash skinny jeans and black converse, a few minutes later Erwin walked out wearing whatever works, I went over to the bathroom and found one of my chokers that was a black leather cat collar, I then put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. And I thought I looked noice. (Lol my humor is so stupid) I then returned to the living room. Hanji gave me a thumbs up and we walked out the door. None of us had school supplies so we were hoping that the rest of the Survey Corps bought us some and sent them to the school. Hopefully the students won't be too much of assholes, the school couldn't make any special requests for schedules which was perfectly fine by me, I was actually intending to make graduating from high school my top priority. My thoughts were interrupted by Erwin opening the car door for me, I scoffed and sat as far away from him as possible, hopefully too many people won't notice that we are coming to school in a black limo with Survey Corps flags on them, you would think that since w were technically undercover agents we would at least blend in with the crowd...I made our driver park a block away and the three of us walked up to the huge crowd standing in line waiting to go through the doors. I groaned already regretting having enthusiasm about this stupid plan........


Words: 1134

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