A VERY Gay Valentine's Day

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(A/N Hi my dudes, this is going to be a high school ereri oneshot  as today is valentine's day, this isn't related with the story so yea xD  and that picture with Eren and his mom is adorable btw aiiiight let's get on with the storyyy)

A T  L U N C H: (Eren POV)

"Hey Mikasa, so you know how I like this one guy?"

"Yes, i wish it was me though"



"Wow okay, um anyways I want to ask him out but he kinda hangs around a rough group of people so I really am not in the mood for being bullied,"

"Just give him a rose or something i dunno, is he in our grade?"


"What's the worst that can happen? Just go over and ask him, it would help if I knew who it was though,"

"I-I like, u-um I like Levi Ackerman...." Mikasa just stared at me for a moment before laughing straight in my face.

"My lil' bro likes the school's hottest bad boy! Eren just forget it, it's time to let that dream die," I looked away from her and worked up the balls to do it.

"Eren, he literally has a crap ton of people trying to give him things right now, what makes you think you even have a chance?"

"Wow thanks Mika glad I asked for your help...."

"I only speak the truth bro," She smirked and walked over to her girlfriend Annie and they walked back to the cafeteria, I gloomily found my way back to the side of the building and pulled out a white rose that I was supposed to give him, I guess she was right. I don't have a chance....

(Levi POV)

I leaned up against the side of the brick wall and looked over at Erwin and Hanji, the three of us were considered 'the people who will kick your ass in two seconds' and everyone liked us for some reason. Now, I don't know about other people but I hate being in the center of attention, I just don't like it when people stare at me all the time. I felt someone tug on the black spiked collar I was wearing and looked over to see Jean, a stupid kid from a group that rivaled mine, he was the leader and I could tell by looking at his pants that he was into me. It pissed me off...

"What do you want now horse face..."

"I. Want. You.  Come on Levi, just for today, pleeeease"

"Tch. Why the hell would I ever consider being one of your play things Kirstein? Why don't you go find your cowboy, what's his name? Marco something? Yeah I'm sure he'd love to ride your horse." I heard Hanji snicker beside me and Jean raised an eyebrow.

"But you'd be so much better, I'm pretty sure you aren't small where it counts," I kicked him in the balls and then flung him into a fence.

"Sorry, I don't like shrimp," I heard people laughing around me and I went around to a different side of the wall, a few people followed me. I ended up standing next to Oluo and Petra and I was currently deep in thought. I kinda had a crush on this one brat that I called bright eyes, but I'm pretty sure he's straight and even if he wasn't he wouldn't go for someone like me.

"Hey Petra?"

"What is it Heichou?"

"So you know who I like?"

"Yeah, I totally ship you two, you should ask him out!" She squealed as everyone else sighed and continued on with their own conversations.

"I was going to, I have a rose with me right now, but u-uh can you do me a favor?"

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