Chapter 15

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A/N Cute ereri for the not so cheery chapter ❤️

Hanji pov)
We spent about half an hour waiting for Levi to come back down the hall, finally Eren and I went to the bathroom to find him. I knocked on the door and waited for a reply, hearing a faint 'come in'. I slowly opened the door and looked to see where he had gone, currently sitting in the far corner of the room was Levi, with his head in his hands. Eren was seemed more frightened then I did and ran over, crouching next to him. I on the other hand calmly took the test and looked at it, seeing as though it read positive I tried to comfort Levi.

"Levi, I'm so sorry, but it's alright now I'm here, oh look Eren is here too! See we both love you Levi, very much..." I pressed his face to my chest and hugged him. Eren nodded as well as Levi but his face quickly changed to confusion when he looked at the test in my hands, I inwardly face palmed as his stupidity. Levi looked over at the test and then down at his abdomen and then opened his mouth to speak.

"Hanji, I can'-" Levi began to say but then completely broke down in my arms. After awhile Levi finally explained to Eren that the test was positive, while they were talking I went back to the living room. The counselor was still there, sitting on the couch drinking tea and watching tv with Armin and Mikasa. They seem to be getting along extremely well, huh never would've guessed that. I sat down on one of the arm chairs next to them and handed her the test.

"It's positive, I don't even know how this is possible" She seemed really concerned when I said this, but then she put it in a briefcase and stood up.

"Well that's all I need for the case, I will be coming back to check on Mr. Ackerman's mental state, also please ask him if he will testify" She smiled one of those annoying fake smiles and hurried out the door I opened for her. The three of us groaned and sat back down.

"Geez, she was a pain. What makes her think that Levi would want anything to do with a court case?!" I exclaimed over dramatically and flopped down on the couch next to Armin. They both giggled and I un muted the tv.
Levi POV

"Eren.....I don't know what to do" Eren smiled down at me and then wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"It's alright Levs, you're such a good friend to me, I'll stay by your side every step of the way!" I just got friend zoned didn't I. I scowled and played with my hands, but Eren's voice brought me back to reality.

"Are you alright? You look like you're plotting someone's demise" He halfheartedly chuckled and lifted my chin. I nodded and we both stood up walking out of the bathroom, actually he carried me but continue on author-chan. I was set down on the love seat next to the couch and the rest of the night, we played truth or dare.
[]One Month Later[]
The sound of students walking to the last class of the day filled the halls, as per usual high school couldn't be anymore of a hell hole. Although when I was with Eren I felt perfectly fine. I can't believe I just admitted that to myself... I didn't know I was completely spacing off until someone pushed me and I almost face planted onto the floor but a pair of strong arms caught me. I looked up to see Eren almost bursting from holding in laughter. I stood back up and we continued walking.

"What was so damn funny you brat" I fake glared at him which only made him go more into complete hysterics.

"Nothing, it just that your eyes were so glazed over that you looked like a corpse," The beautiful sound of Eren's laughter filled the hall. As I rolled my eyes he laughed even harder, he then wiped the tears from his eyes and I let out a quiet chuckle but when I continued walking I turned to look at Eren, but he wasn't there. I frantically turned back to see him standing in the same spot, his eyes wide. I ran back over to him and shook him back to reality.

"Eren are you alright?!" He nodded and smiled at me.

"Its just that......I saw you smile and it scared me, b-but then it made me realize that I love your smile Levi..." He mumbled and looked at the floor. I pecked his cheek and pulled him to the gym. The whole time Eren was silent and just let me drag him, then when we got to the locker room her finally spoke up.

"So Levs, I was know how we both love to draw and read manga? (I nodded waiting for him to continue) Well I was thinking.....would you want to create one with me?" His eyes sparkled as he talked to me, so I obviously couldn't say no.

"Oh my god of course! That would be so fun!" I squealed at hugged him, when I pulled back he was glaring at something behind me.

"Eren, what is it?" I followed his gaze to see Oluo and some other blonde haired guy arguing. I grabbed my gym clothes and walked over to one of the stalls when I felt a sharp pain in my chest. My vision tunneling. Oh god what's going on.....E-Eren h-help me......I quickly shut the stall door and sat down on the wooden bench, closing and opening my eyes to try and make the feeling go away. It finally went back to normal when I thought of Eren again. Well that was odd. I changed clothes and returned outside to see Eren without a shirt still glaring at the two boys. I noticed Armin walk down the stairs and I turned to talk to him.

"Wonder what they're arguing about?" He said, questioning their quarrel.

"Tch. I don't care what it is they're arguing about, they just need to shut up" I grumbled and put my regular clothes back in my locker. When I turned back around it was just in time to see Oluo throw a punch at the blonde kid's face. There was an audible gasp from the crowd as some people moved away from the fight including Armin, Eren and I however, did not move an inch.
A/N Wow writer's block much? I am so sorry to all of you who read this, it took me pretty much 3 billion yrs to write this. So I just wanted to say thank you for not giving up on me! *Levi Enters*
"Oi! Cut out all that sappy shit! Nobody reads the damn story any ways!"
"And you're short, what's new?"
"Tch." Anyways thx for reading, Baiii!!!!!❤️
Words: 1182

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