Chapter 9: Fortune Cookie prt 3

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(A/N Look at these titan dudes xD)

S T A G E  C R A F T  A N D  D E S I G N:   (Eren POV)

Levi and I sat hugging each other for a good three minutes when we both pulled away. 

"What was that for brat?"

"Levi that was.......I would've never guessed that you cou-"

"Yea well don't get used to it"  I laughed and we continued working on our door. Mrs. Ackerman walked over to us.

"Hey boys nice job, I'll make sure you two are partners when we start doing partner work, Levi, you sounded great, I want to ask you something after class," She smiled and they looked at each other for a moment both with the same look, Levi's face had softened and they both had something in their eyes, I couldn't quite pinpoint it, so I went back to my door. I felt Levi over at me for a moment and then he went back to work as well. The rest of class went well Mrs. Ackerman walked around surveying what people were making. I think I'm going to like this class.

 A F T E R  C L A S S: (Levi POV)

After everyone had cleaned up their things and left, I walked over to Mrs. Ackerman and Eren followed me.

"I'll wait for you outside,"

"Wait what do you have next?" 

"Earth Science,"

"Oh, I have Biology, you don't have to wait for me,"

"Nah, it's fine, I don't wanna go anyways, I'll just sit in the back. I'm gonna listen to music to I won't hear you," I nodded and he walked up the steps to the back seats and put his ear buds in, then I sat down next to her and she turned to me and gave me a hug.

"Levi.....I've missed you so much. Ever since you left home I haven't stopped thinking about you, and two years ago when you stopped writing me letters I thought the worst...." I hugged her tighter and let my tears fall.

"Mom......I-I'm s-so sorry, I wasn't allowed to contact anyone.....T-T-They changed me mom, things I will never get back, my happiness, my emotions......"

"Oh my poor baby, I'm so sorry, I will never leave you again. I didn't think we would ever see you again so we moved here and your father......he...."

"Oh mom........I'm sorry,"

"it was Kenny, he killed your father..."

"I know mom two years ago Kenny died, I was the one who killed him out of revenge, he was important so Erwin put me in the psych ward."


"Mom, please don't apologize we're both safe now, that's all that matters and after I'm done with this last mission I am free, and we can take you and me and Ere- I mean uh..."

"You like him don't you" My mom began to laugh as she saw my face, and she gave me this grin that looked like one Hanji would give me.

"Mom, ew no stop I don't like him," 

"Stop lyin' through your eyebrows little boy" She started laughing and I begun to walk away.

"Oi! Levi! He's definitely a keeper," I glared playfully at her and grabbed Eren by the shirt and we walked to our lockers and then to class.

A T  L U N C H 

I was waiting in the lunch line when eyebrows and glasses walked over to me.

"So I see you've taken a liking to Bright Eyes" Hanji and Erwin both started to laugh at me. I grabbed his shirt.

"Who the hell told you!" I glared at him and he shrunk back, probably from what happened this morning.

"J-Jean Kirstein, the one that looks like a horse, he said he is in your Stage Craft & Design class he said you were singing and then when you stopped Eren hugged you and you s-smiled."

"Tell anyone Erwin Smith and I swear on my dead uncle I will kill you." He nodded and I got my lunch and walked over to where Eren and his friends were sitting and sat down.

"Hey Bright Eyes, Coconut.....Mikasa" 

"Hey, Levi were you ever in band in Middle School? Eren wanted to know,"

"I play the drums why?"

"!!! Really will you pleeeaaassseeee join band?" Eren looked at me with puppy dog eyes and I gave in.

"Oi! Don't pester me about it! I was going to join band anyways" I lied through my teeth and the rest of lunch we were talking about anything and everything.

B A N D   (Eren POV)

The four of us left lunch early to talk to the band teacher, but when we got into the music wing she was having a class, so we had to wait outside, I think the seniors were playing. They sounded a lot better then all of the other bands, except for us though because we were considered the best.

"Kids, you can come in now. Oh! It looks like you have a new student here, what's your name kid?"

"Levi. I was wondering if I could join the band, I can play guitar, and drums, and piano,"

"Ooh, fancy, alright start with the piano then" A few minutes later she gave Levi an evaluation on his skills, we all thought he sounded great.

"Well kid, I have to say that you're pretty good at all of those, but I definitely think the piano sounded exceptional, so maybe we could have you do some piano solos and also play the drums. But the drum part won't be hard, you'll just be playing the second chair drum part"

"Okay, can I talk to Eren for a sec?" She nodded and he pulled me over to the side so that she couldn't hear.

"Eren.....I have no idea what I am doing, my mom taught me to play those instruments, I can't read.....I can't read sheet music..." Levi didn't meet my eyes and he seemed very ashamed.

"Wanna know something?"

"I swear if it's some inspirational crap-"

"No, I can't read sheet music either" I laughed half heartedly and he looked at me confused.

"I've never been able to read sheet music, but when you play the drums there's just x's so all you have to do is count"

"I'm not worried about that, it's the piano part I'm worried about,"

"Oh, well then tell her what you told me, and maybe you an get lessons from Mika, or Armin." Levi nodded and he walked back over to the teacher, they had a short conversation and it was decided that to start off, he would just play the drums with me to get a feel for the whole band thing, then both of us would be taught by Mika and Armin how to read sheet music. By the time we figured everything out, people had started to come in the room, I showed Levi around, and we began to practice, Levi was actually really good at playing, he just got nervous around other people, they were just being nice to him, and he would just glare, I started laughing at one point because he got so frustrated that he started swearing in french.

"Levi come on band is about to start"

"Tch. I was just about to finish though"


Words: 1203

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