Chapter 10: Fortune Cookie prt4

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(A/N Hi my dudes, sorry I haven't updated in like a couple days, ya know the whole in school suspension thing that happened? Well I've been grounded since then and lost my tablet and phone so now all I can use is my mom's computer xD , oh also, I am going to start this off with Levi and Eren's schedules ;3 les get on with the storyyy)

Levi's Schedule

1. Early Bird Class: Marching Band (You'll see what I mean at the end of this chapter) 

2.  Math

3. Stage Craft & Design

4. Biology

LUNCH  (My favorite class  ;3)

5.  Language Arts

6. French 1

7. Foundations to Art

8. Wings of Freedom (super kewl weeb band lolz) or Gym


Eren's Schedule

1. Marching Band

2. Math

3. Stage Craft & Design

4. Earth Science


5. AP Language Arts

6. German 1

7. Foundations to Art

8. Wings of Freedom or Gym

(Sorry that was mostly for me to memorize their shiz xD) 

A F T E R  S C H O O L:     (Levi POV)

"Hey Levi?" Eren suddenly asked when we were putting our stuff in our bags to leave.


"Ya know, at first you seemed so cold but you decided to open up to me after knowing me for such a short time, why?" I paused for a moment forgetting all about my mission and everything else in life except Eren, the whole room paused except for the two of us, I continued my daydream for a good five minutes, but then I saw someone's hand wave in front of my face and everything went back to normal.  That's Weird..... 

"I dunno, when I'm around you though, I just feel like you are someone I can trust, which is a huge issue for me because once you've been hurt so many times, there's only so much emotion that can go around..." I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me and I looked up to see Eren, his eyes became watery and salty tears ran down his face.

"T-Thank you Levi.....I'm so glad that you trust me so much to tell me something so painful..." I opened my mouth to say something but someone behind us cleared their throat.

"Oh! U-Uh Mika-chu! H-How long have you been standing there?" Eren's sister glared at me and turned back to him.

"We are leaving come on..." She growled at him and Eren hurriedly nodded in response, we exchanged numbers and the coconut, demon girl and the boy with the ocean teal eyes left me alone, standing at my locker, wondering just how in the hell was I able to let someone like Eren, come into my life, and take a piece of my heart?

"Mom was right I guess....." I chuckled to myself and went to find eyebrows and four-eyes.

U N K N O W N  L O C A T I O N:  (Pov currently unknown) 

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