Chapter 17

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T A T T O O P A R L O R_ (Levi POV)

(A/N I used two OC's for this, they my babies :3)

After using my very convincing ways of persuading Eren to let me get a tattoo, we arrived at the small shop called []Blank[] and walked over to the counter where a woman with lilac hair was sitting.

"Hi, my name's Elise and that girl over there is my business partner and my wife Scarlett, how may I help you two boys today?" The young lady asked and smiled. I always thought that tattoo parlors were supposed to be edgy and all emo, but I guess not. The room we currently stood in was mostly either black and white modern paneling, or beautifully adorned with white hydrangeas.

"Hey, my boyfriend here wants a tattoo, I'll just look around if that's alright." Eren replied charismatically, which made me blush and Elise ushered me over to a girl with green/blue/purple hair.

"Name's Scarlett, nice to meet ya kid, so what were you thinking?" The green haired woman asked politely, but maybe not as much as her wife. She was definitely the top. (A/N I can't believe I just wrote that 😂)

"Oh, uh well I was just wondering what you have for crosses, I just lost a family member and I want to remember them," She nodded contently and showed me a book labeled Celtic tattoos and flipped to a section of crosses, I found a pretty one and pointed to it.

"Oh, uh well I was just wondering what you have for crosses, I just lost a family member and I want to remember them," She nodded contently and showed me a book labeled Celtic tattoos and flipped to a section of crosses, I found a pretty one and p...

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(Levi's tattoo)

"Oh yeah that's a nice one, do you want a name on it, oh and I forgot to ask, where do you want this?" She began to make a template and looked over at Eren.

"I want it on my bicep, and um can you put Faye/Luke on it?" I answered her question and wrote down their name on a piece of paper. After a few minutes Eren came up and pulled a chair next to me.

"Okay, so I finished the template, wanna see?" Scarlett smirked as we both nodded eagerly, she then did her tattoo artist magic and started applying it.

"Hey Levs"


"I think I'm gonna get one too," he smiled a toothy grin at me and Elise with her inhuman senses rushed over. She sat him down in the chair next to me and asked him what he wanted, glancing sideways at me, he motioned for Elise to come over. When they finished whispering I saw Elise giggle.

"Good choice, I'm sure you'll both love it" She smirked the same exact way Scarlett did and started making a sketch, suddenly Eren stood up and took off his shirt which made my eyes widen slightly, what is that brat doing...

-Time skip to after they get tattoos-

When Scarlett finished wrapping the bandage around my arm I tried pulling out my wallet but then felt her soft hand on mine.

"Aye don't do that kid. I like you so this time's on the house. Same for your boyfriend over there" She grinned at me and then wrapped an arm around her wife's shoulders, who was still wrapping up Eren's back.

"Oh well thanks, you really didn't have to do that"

"Nah it's fine, but come back sometime, oh and bright eyes?" Eren looked up at the nickname they had given him.


"Let it heal and then show shortie kay?" Eren chuckled and I glared at my nickname.

(Eren's tattoo)

-le time skip-When Eren and I went back to his house, we found Mikasa and Armin glaring at us on the couch

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-le time skip-
When Eren and I went back to his house, we found Mikasa and Armin glaring at us on the couch.
"Hey?" Eren questioned the looks on their faces.
"Mind explaining to us where you two were?" I was surprised at the coconut's tone, but when my brain registered what he just asked me, my face darkened. I felt Eren's arms wrap around me and I felt slightly more calm.
"We lost the baby..." He stated simply, but with a threatening tone. The raven and the blonde said no more, and I plopped down on their couch.
Eren's phone rang loudly as we were watching some French lesbian movie.
"Yes hello? Yes this is Eren....Of course Hanji (Eren looked at me) yeah I'll ask, m' Kay seeya on Monday, yes....bye Hanji" Eren ended the call and looked over at me.
"So....what did four eyes want?" I asked, but I didn't get an immediate answer.
"Well um, Hanji knows about what happened so she has an experiment she wants to try."
"Levi we could get a second chance, and it wouldn't be Erwin's" my eyes widened at this and after some convincing from the three, I agreed. I've always wanted kids and even though that wasn't the way I wanted it to happen but I thought they deserved a chance. Little did I know, my life was just getting started. After we had talked to Hanji about what exactly was going on, Mikasa and I returned to the couch to watch more tv.
U N K N O W N L O C A T I O N_ (POV Unknown)
"Sir, bad news!" A random soldier entered into my court room and saluted me.
"What is it." I replied boredly, unamused with the fact that someone decided to interrupt my me-time.
"Permission to speak your highness," I nodded and she continued. But I was surprised that she knew how to speak French and could speak it well, me being originally from France understood perfectly.
"L'homme de l'humanité le plus fort et le titan semblent s'associer, le corps du sondage est évidemment conscient de leur situation actuelle, mais ils ne savent pas qu'ils sont en termes intimes."
"Thank you for that, anything else?"
"Erwin Smith est là aussi votre majesté"
"You idiot! You should've started with that!"
"I apologize, I'll bring him right in!" She hurriedly replied and rushed out the door. A few moments later the doors flew open and a maid rushed in, with Erwin trailing behind her. I smiled and walked up to him, kissing both his cheeks.
"Hello Erwin! How are you today?" I greeted enthusiastically, he looked down slightly and spoke.
"Well your highness, you might already know that I lost my child, I am very devastated about that but otherwise I'm fine."
"I'm sorry for your loss friend, but I'm sure your love will come back to you and you two will make a new family!" I comforted him as he still stared at the floor.
"Thank you very much"
"So what business do you have here, light I ask?" I ushered him over to one of my red velvet chairs and poured him tea.
"Well, I think we should surrender to the Survey Corps and the elite squad." A loud crash filled the room as I dropped the teapot.
"Wh-what do you mean?"
"I believe that we should drop the fight against them, what's the point anyway? Titan has already done enough and my Levi deserves to be happy..."
"I-I am surprised you would say such things Erwin, but I somewhat agree.....Alright yes Titan will drop the fight" Erwin smiled when I finished and walked briskly out the door.
(A/N Welp I guess that's it for this crusty chapter, don't get me wrong I love writing, but I'm just too hard on myself anygay...see y'all next chapter)
Words: 1242

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