Chapter 4: In School Suspension part 1

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(A/N I drew that picture :3)

I woke up the next day with the sound of Mikasa coming to wake me up.

"Oi! Come on sleepy, Armin and I are waiting, and I will not be late!" She growled from outside the door, I could almost feel her dark presence seep through the wood. I groaned and started to get dressed. We sauntered down the hall along with the other kids forced to attend Maria high. Some kids call it Attack High but I haven't figured that out yet. We walked over to Armin's locker and I noticed four posters hanging on a cork board, my eyes grazed over the club names...Military Police: Discipline.......Garrison Guard: Strength......and finally, Survey Corps: Freedom......My eyes were trained on the last one until suddenly someone crashed into me at full speed sending me flying onto the floor.

"Aye! What the hell man-" I looked up to see who it was, the person I hate the most in this god forsaken place......Jean.

"Horse face...."

"Suicidal Maniac...."

"What the actual hell are you doing here!" My voice thundered. Jean and I actually used to be best friends but he hit on Mika for like 4 years and aint nobody gonna get away with that.

"I got kicked out of Trost high so now i'm back here" the idiot-who-shall-not-be-named smiled smugly.

M A R I A H I G H: L U N C H_         (based off my life)

I slammed my tray down and Mikasa grabbed my arm.

"Eren you can't kill Jean!" She sighed.

"Watch me!" I whisper yelled. Earlier today the kid who sits next to me in science gave me a slide from a microscope. I put it in my pocket and completely forgot about it until now.

"I'm gonna stab him with this!" I joked and Mikasa smirked. Armin stared at me wide eyed.

"Eren you won't really do that will you?!" He gasped. I laughed and shook my head no. After that I thought everything was fine...... until the next day....

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