Chapter 18

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(Words: 1416)

At Eren's house (Eren's POV)
-2 months later-
Everything has pretty much gone back to normal since we lost part of our family, we held a memorial service at a nearby cemetery and their tombstones were placed next to my parents' one. Which much to my surprise had been turned into a family plot with a spot for Mikasa's name and mine as well. Currently however, Levi and I were walking down an older brick road, small white flurries dotting the ground all around us. I snuck a glance at Levi and found him staring up slightly and watching the snow fall with an awe struck expression.
"I never knew you liked snow so much," I commented casually which made him turn his head, he blushed and looked the other way.
"I just like the pretty snowflakes," Levi turned his head back to mine, his face adorned with an extremely adorable pouty face. I chuckled and grabbed his hand gently, intertwining our fingers perfectly.
"So about the operation, I dunno if I want to do it, besides do we even know how long the fake lady parts last?" Levi looked up at me worriedly, making a small smile of reassurance appear on my face.
"Hanji said it takes one year to have it fully grow and then it will last until you give birth, she also said that if we want more kids, then we just have to do the operation again. So we can wait as long as we want,"He smiled at the last part and clung tightly to my waist which resulted in me bending down to kiss his head. After a few more minutes of walking though, Levi seemed to sense I was tired and pulled me over to a park bench.
"Oi Eren?"
"You never showed me your tattoo," I looked at him confuzzled, guess I didn't... I suddenly had a brilliant idea and turned to him some what excitedly.
"I just had a great idea, how about before I actually freeze my ass off, we go somewhere warm?" He laughed at my statement and we returned back to Mikasa's car and when I opened the door I was met with a cold stare.
"Eren you were gone for over an hour I thought you died why didn't you text me back" She grumbled and put the key in the ignition.
"Well, first of all my phone is dead and second, it was only an hour!" I spat back and looked back to see Levi smirking at me. Through the whole ride Mikasa and Me argued over the importance of checking in with her every 20 minutes. About halfway home though, I saw Levi put his earbuds in and stare out the window contently, the two of us probably bored him to tears. Eventually we arrived home to see Hanji sitting on our couch watching Tv when Mikasa slammed the door and stomped over to her room, Hanji turned around and looked at Levi and I.
"Haalllloooo! So I've been meaning to ask you a few things Eren!" She giggled excitedly and bounded over. As soon as those words left her mouth, Mikasa and Levi jumped in front of her.
"No experiments!" They both glared at her, causing Armin and I to laugh.
"Well never mind then..." Hanji pouted and retreated to the couch. As today was Sunday, tomorrow, the five of us would have to reluctantly return back, but I had a question to ask Levi and Hanji that would change a few things.
"Hey guys?" They all looked at me in question.
"I have something to ask you, and if you say no that's fine." They all nodded and waited for me to continue.
"I don't really know how to ask this, but since we're all friends and Levi and I are dating, I was wondering if you all wanted to make things easier and move in together?" There was a moment of silence after I said that, immediately I regretted saying that-
"Hahhaaha! Brat you're so funny! I was planning to ask you all the same thing!" The most beautiful sound I've ever heard filled the room and into my ears, I never wanted it to stop. Levi's laugh full on captivated me. And from the state from everyone else in the room, it was contagious. Even Mikasa was dying and soon I was too. Sadly our fit came to an end when Levi's phone rang. He grumbled and answered, then seeing as we were all watching him like hawks, put it on speaker.
(A/N I'll put the translation in bold, ur welcome 😘)
"Le plus fort de l'humanité, c'est le Sommet du Corps de l'enquête, j'ai un message ... Est-ce que quelqu'un est avec vous?" An unknown voice came from the phone in what I assumed to be French, by the looks of their faces, only Hanji and Levi spoke it. Because they both got very serious at the first couple of words.
"Humanity's Strongest, this is the Survey Corps HQ, I have a message....Is anyone with you"
"Seuls les lunettes de merde, quel est le message?" Levi replied in a serious tone.
"Only shitty glasses, what is the message?"
"Ce ne sont que de bonnes nouvelles, vous pouvez respirer facilement. La guerre entre nous et Titan a été annulée. Le roi a signé un traité de paix ..." I heard the word Titan and my head shot toward Levi who waved his hand dismissively.
"It's only good news, you can breathe easy. The war between us and titan has been called off. The king has signed a peace treaty..."
"Qu'est-ce qu'ils pensaient ..."
"What the hell were they thinking..."
This time it was Hanji's turn to speak and holy freckled Jesus she did not sound happy.
"Ils sont idiots! Qu'en est-il de toutes les familles qui n'ont jamais eu justice? Comme Eren! Sa famille est partie pour toujours et il est endommagé maintenant, comment allons-nous sauver des gens?" She began yelling and Levi nodded silently, I heard my name and got confused but still stayed silent.
"They're idiots! What about all those families that never got justice!? Like Eren! His family is gone forever and he is damaged now how are we going to save people?!" After an exchange of a few more angry sounding words, the caller and Levi hung up, Armin glared at Levi which is completely unlike him. He looked like he definitely demanded an answer or he was going to snap.
"Levi, can't we tell them, they deserve to know..." Hanji pleaded to him and he looked over at me almost regretting whatever he was going to say.
"Well, I guess I should start at the beginning"
========Time Skip because I'm lazy=============
My eyes widened in shock as the two finished their story, I glanced over to see Mikasa wearing a defensive look on her face.
"So shorty...Are you saying that even liking Eren was a lie?" She spat in a warning tone, Levi didn't even flinch and looked over at me lovingly.
"Actually no, I love Eren with all my heart and even though we are still insanely young, I want to be with him until my story comes to a close," And with that tear jerking line I ran over to the other couch and tackled him in my arms and attacking his face with kisses, not forgetting to add in multiple 'I love you so much' I heard Armin clear his throats and pulled away from my lover and sighed, returning to my past spot.
As I roamed the halls aimlessly waiting for school to start and Eren to get here because for one he was my brat aaannnd I wanted to tell him some good news. The reason I was here at least an hour early was because I joined the wrestling team and much to my surprise so did Eren and Horseface...I honestly don't know why he joined because he couldn't even fight Armin, anygay I planted my booty in one of the student lounges and scrolled through my instagram feed. Nothing new was going on and ever since that call yesterday I haven't heard anything back. Something isn't right. Everything is going too well. Too Quiet....
(A/N thank you to those who have put up with my aimless jumbled up story but hey we hit 100 reads! Thank you sooooo much!!!! 😘😍❤️)

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