Chapter 14

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Hanji's eyes got wide as it landed on her, she picked truth.

"Its for me!!" She giggled, and we all laughed again.

What's your preference, women or men?

"Women obviously"

"Mk Levi, spin"

"Kay" he spun again this time landing on Levi, he couldn't decide what to pick so he closed his eyes and tapped one, it landed on dare.

Talk in a fake accent for the rest of the game

He gasped and looked at me.

"Can I just not talk?" He spoke in a very horrible southern accent, immediately fell over on the floor along with Hanji.

"Tch, alright I'll spin then." He grumbled. It chose me and I looked at Mikasa.

"I dunno what to pick" she tapped on the dare and I looked at the screen.

Let the person to your right cut your hair

I screamed and ran into the kitchen as Hanji somehow had scissors in her pocket, she laughed and sat back down.

"I won't cut it Eren I promise," she laughed, and I gingerly sat down next to the brunette.

"Mikasa you're up," Levi gazed over to her, she started to grumble and pressed truth.

Have you ever sexted

She smirked and nodded her head. Armin was up next, he picked dare too. We all commented on how he was brave and he just smiled, until the he looked at the screen

Remove the socks of a person of choice with your teeth

He gulped and looked at us.

"Well not Eren because his feet could give someone aids, Hanji no because she probably has athletes foot, and not Levi because he would never let me get close to him in the first place so then Mikasa," He decides and crawls over to her, he carefully takes them off and goes to get a drink.

"Armin they can't be that bad!" Mikasa whined to him, he replied with a 'yes the hell they are!' And she made a pouty face.

"Ya know I picked 18 and up so why are these all for kids?" I just shook my head and continued eating my popcorn.

"Hamge ish uup" I said while eating popcorn she looked down and picked dare too.

Eat a piece of dog or cat food

She cackled like a maniac and told us proudly that she had some in a bowl outside because she liked to feed the cats. I felt the room get cold as Levi looked over at Hanji.

"Four know I am allergic to cats, and that's disgusting!" He threw a pillow at her and she threw it back, running outside. When she came back in with the whole bowl she just sat there eating it like fruit snacks. Levi sighed and read off the current scores.

"Levi, 1. Eren, 0. Mikasa, 1. Armin, 1. Hanji, 1" He chuckled when he read mine. I scowled and continued to eat my popcorn.

"Alright smart ass your turn," I glared at him, he smirked and pressed dare.

Describe everyone in the group in 3 words.

He laughed and rattled off his answers.

"Eren, dumb ass, brat, and nice face.... Mikasa, um.......Demon, overprotective, a little bit weird? Armin, smart, coconut, gay....Hanji, shitty glasses, four eyes, very gay. Me, hot, hot and hot" He smirked trying to contain his laughter, I was still blushing over the last one when he told me it was my turn.

"Oh u-uh dare" he nodded and pressed dare for me.

Do the ice bucket challenge

I sighed as Levi went into the kitchen to get a bucket. We all then walked outside and I took off my shirt, I threw my valuables in the grass as Levi handed the bucket to Hanji and grabbed a towel.

I closed my eyes and put my hands over my face.






I felt the freezing water get poured over my head I let out a string of curse words soon after though I felt a pair of warm arms wrap a towel around me, I turned to face Levi and he almost smiled at me. After I dried off we all went back inside and I saw it was Mikasa's turn she picked truth.

How many kids would you like to have?

She replied with a simple none, and we moved on. Seeing as it was Armin's turn he pressed truth.

If you had to murder one person who would it be?

"Jean, because he's mean," he replied and we all agreed with a nod. Next was Hanji, who picked dare.

Remove one item of clothing, as slowly and seductively as possible

She took off her socks and everyone chuckled.

"I'll read off the score I guess, actually wait no, this'll be easier if I just say that Eren is loosing," Levi said nonchalantly, I sighed, as Levi and Mikasa laughed at me. Levi was up next so he picked dare as well.

Sing everything for the rest of the game.

"Um no not happening," Levi stated simply, I pouted and pressed forfeit for him.

"Oh yay my turn," I groaned, I pressed dare again.

Undress someone of the same sex

I looked between Levi and Armin, the blonde pointed to Levi and I sighed for the millionth time today.

"Mk Levi ready?" He nodded as we both stood up.

"Wait how much undress?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Leave my boxers on!" Levi gasped, I laughed and slowly took off his shirt, and then I bent down unbuttoning his pants with my teeth and sliding them down, then we both sat back down, Levi's face somewhat flushed pink. Mikasa and Hanji both had nosebleeds and Armin ran to get them tissues. Mikasa was next and she pointed to dare, Levi tapped the screen.

Show the group your panties

Mikasa gasped, but slid down her shorts a ways revealing her black lace lingerie that also was a corset that connected to her bra. Her face flushed as she saw Hanji staring intently, she sat back down. Armin was next and he was about to pick truth when someone knocked on the door, We all fixed ourselves as Levi went over to open the door, the school counselor appeared in the doorway and she followed him in.

"Wow, a lovely home you have here, Levi I was wondering if I could speak to your guardian, are they here?" She asked Levi looked over to us and ushered her outside, when they returned she was looking at the floor.

"I'm sorry, I would also like to ask you to do something for me, the boy from earlier he kept telling us and the police that you were going to have his babies do you know what that's about?" Levi shook his head no and we all stayed silent. My eyes grew wide as the counselor handed him a pregnancy test, he looked at it puzzled.

"You don't really think I..." Levi's voice trailed off at the end she explained that there is a possibility, and he went into the bathroom, and we all sat there for awhile waiting for the answer.....


(A/N thanks as always for reading! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and I hope you enjoyed reading it, author-chan out!!!)

Words: 1220

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