Chapter 11: Fortune Cookie prt 5

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B E F O R E  S C H O O L: (Eren POV)

"Eren just remember, that I will always love you..."

"Okay mom, I love you too!" I walked out of our house with Mikasa and into the street where other families were outside playing and having fun. I turned to see a smiling Mikasa standing there looking up at the sky, I tugged on her arm and we walked down to the river.  Thud......Thud....Thud I turned just in time to see a bunch of men in trench coats walking the way we came. It took a second to register what was going on, Mikasa had the same idea and we sprinted as fast as we could back up the busy street, other people must of known what was going on as well, Men and Women, Mothers and Fathers came storming out of the houses and started picking off the men in the trench coats with their various kinds of firepower. Nothing would stop them, they kept marching to the top of the hill, we dashed on ahead of them and stood next to our mother. She pulled me down towards her, and whispered into my ear.

"Eren, run! Protect Mikasa and run! Live and be free Eren go!"

"Mom, what's-"

"Eren...." The soft voice of my adopted sister Mikasa came from beside me, I looked over at her, a grim expression on her face, my mother and her both looked at each other and spoke in a different language.

"Er ist so hartnäckig wie immer, bitte halte ihn aus der Mühe, mach dir ein neues Leben für dich Mikasa"

"Natürlich weißt du, dass ich ihn niemals verlassen würde." They both turned to me and smiled the same loving, motherly smile. And with that we started running. POP! POP! POP! POP! POP! I heard the horrible sound of gunshots behind me, hot, salty tears filling both of our eyes.

"Eren......Eren what's wrong? talk to me!" I felt someone shaking me and I blinked my eyes a couple of times to get my bearings. I was in my room, Mika was holding me close to her chest. I reached up and petted her hair with my hand she slowly released me and I sat up.

"I'm fine I just had a bad dream, what time is it?"


"Well I guess I'll get ready then,"

"Are you sure you're alright Eren?" I nodded my head and walked over to my closet to pick out my clothes I decided I was going to wear a black T shirt with my band varsity jacket, it had the wings of freedom on the back along with our band name, the jacket itself was black with white letters and trim, I wore dark grey skinny jeans, black combat boots, decided to wear my glasses because Armin thought my contacts were old and threw them away. I walked back into the living room to see Mikasa and Armin waiting for me, I nodded to them and we walked out the door.

A T  S C H O O L: (Hanji POV)

I heard everything from the fight that happened between Erwin and Levi this morning, I've known Levi since we were born, his mom and mine were best friends and neighbors, when we came to the Survey Corps. Everyone seemed to know who we were, which was comforting because they could tell when we were hurting, I don't know if this is the same for shorty but I think of my comrades as my family. A few years after we joined, Erwin Smith did, him and I instantly clicked, Levi however was a bit reluctant to trust him though they became okay I thought but I guess today everything changed. Me and Levi know everything about each other he might seem like he hates me some days, but in all actuality he loooveess meee. I smiled to myself as I scrolled through Instagram, I noticed Levi was also on his phone so I sent him a dm.

H: Hey anything you want to talk about with me?

L: No

H: Just remember what I told you about trusting me back then

L: Whatever 

H: mk 😚👌👌👌

L: Stop with the damn emoji crap four-eyes 

H: You love me

L: Hush your face hole brat 

H: Lol whatever shorty

L: Rude

"Hey guys!" I looked back up from my phone to see Eren, his sister, and that Armalert kid. I smiled at them, and I saw Levi smirk at Eren and look back down at his phone, a few seconds later Eren's phone buzzed, he pulled it out and looked at the text.

"I u-uh I'll be right back!" He looked terrified and ran inside, Mikasa and Armin followed. I looked over to see Levi glaring at Erwin.

"What the hell did you say to that kid eyebrows?!" Levi picked up Erwin by the collar of his shirt. I suddenly got a little too over protective of the shorter male and slowly slid over next to Erwin. I reached under my shirt and pulled out Rose Blanche, I was careful so as not to let anyone see besides the three of us, I held it to his ribs. I moved my lips close to his ear and smiled than I began to speak in a very, quiet but threatening voice.

"I knew I couldn't trust you from the start. The whole point of this mission was to protect that kid from any dangerous situation, no exceptions. I don't know if you remember the part about how we were supposed to eliminate any threats for of now you are considered a threat, and you have three choices......One, tell us exactly what you said to frighten the boy, Two, Let us turn you in, or Three, I will let this very friendly bullet make it's way up through your lungs, into your brain and out of your ear. Take your pick, you have exactly 3 seconds before the two of us, highly trained assassins if I do say so myself, rip your sad, pathetic body to pieces," I stated very calmly, after a few seconds I saw the sweat run down his forehead.

"Alright! All I said was that if he gets any closer to my man I'll tear his brain out, shred it, and feed it to Satan." Erwin smirked at Levi, and I looked over at said male to see him looking down at the ground with a shadow looming over him, he reached in his bag calmly and pulled out three pens, all at once he stabbed them as hard as he could in Erwin's leg and walked inside to find Eren, just for good measure I kicked him in the ribs and trotted after Levi. We soon found Eren inside in the cafeteria staring out the window. Levi came and sat down next to him. Eren barely noticed and spoke in a monotone voice.

"I didn't know you were dating him......sorry"

"Eren, I'm no-"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, I knew someone like you probably had millions of people swarming to get your attention,"

"Actually it's the complete opposite," I spoke up which received a glare from Levi. Mikasa thought it was funny so I took that as a one up. A few minutes later the first bell of the day rung and we along with the rest of the school filed down the hall to our lockers.


(A/N Thanks again to anyone reading!!!!)

Words: 1238   

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