Chapter 6

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(A/N helur people, author-kun here!!! :3 So for each chapter I am going to try to make it to 1000 words. I know for a fact though that I won't be able to make it to that lol, okay that's all I wanted to say ONWARD)

M A R I A H I G H: []Eren POV[]      *after suspension*

So basically my life went back to normal after that whole thing happened, Jean and I made up and everyone forgot about it, it didn't even go on my record! I still hate that horse face though.

U n k n o w n  P l a c e:  (Unknown POV) 

"Alright so you have been assigned to Maria High school, bring along him and the crazy one if you want got that?"

"Of course Mr. Reiss, who is the one we are supposed to protect?" The sound of a file cabinet being opened filled the room. The young soldier opened the yellowed folder that was passed over to him

T O P  S E C R E T:  A U T H O R I Z E D  P E R S O N A L  O N L Y

T O P  S E C R E T:  A U T H O R I Z E D  P E R S O N A L  O N L Y

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Name: Eren Jaeger

Age: 15

Height: 5' 7"

Weight: 137.83 lbs

Body Description: Tall, muscular, brown hair, gold/green/blue eyes, tan-ish skin


The blonde haired boy closed the folder and looked back at his commander.

"Cute kid, he will like him"

"That's good he can be so angry sometimes. He seriously needs to lighten up more, hopefully someone to love like this boy will make him happy." They both chuckled.

"Everything you need to blend in and complete your mission will be included, depending on how it goes this could be your last mission and the three of you might actually be able to lead a normal life, tell Ms. Zoe and him that I said hi," Mr. Reiss dismissed him and Erwin went to go collect him and four eyes. After that they prepared to leave to the 12th ward (Shiganshina).

M A R I A H I G H:  B A N D  (Armin POV)

At the end of the day we have band, so we walked outside, to the music building and into the band room. Mikasa walked over to her band locker and grabbed her flute, I went over to mine and grabbed my oboe and Eren walked in a few seconds after with his drum sticks. I then walked over  to my spot in 1st chair and sat down. Our band is made up of the first six chairs in each section and we come together to play rock music and opening themes to famous shows and movies. We also to competitions and Eren came up with the name: Scouts of Freedom, honestly at first we thought it was all pretty dorky until we realized that we could make some pretty badass posters with the name. Our current piece that we are playing that everyone likes is Guren No Yumiya, sounds pretty epic to me. We were pretty early (as were all the band members) and the room fell silent when Mikasa started to play her flute, Eren joined in and they had this really cool duet going on, but the two minute bell rung and they both stopped. I got up in front of the band and tuned them by section. Right when the bell to begin class sounded our band director Ms. Rico Brzenska came to the stand (That sounds like they are in court lol), she lifted her baton and the song begun beautifully with Mikasa's flute solo.

 A T  H O M E: []Eren POV[]

I threw my bag on the couch and walked over to our fridge to get a snack, when I suddenly felt a cold chill run down my back, I turned around to find the source to see a very stern looking Mikasa.

"Home" I squeaked and scrambled over to the couch and laid my homework before me. Mika pretty much turned into my mom this past year, Our parents left us a lot of money, but Armin got a part time job bagging groceries to make sure we didn't fall behind in finances. Currently Armin does the taxes, I cook and clean, and Mika-chu.......well she makes all the purchases to make sure there are no irresponsible happenings going on. Honestly our living situation right now isn't all that bad.

U N K N O W N  P L A C E: (Erwin POV)

*a week later*

Today is Sunday, the day that Hange, Him, and I are going to the 12th ward, honestly though the three of us haven't been around kids our own age ever, We were raised in the underground, a facility that finds orphans all throughout our nation and trains them to be soldiers, guards and undercover assassins. The military ploice are the most well known (Hated and Loved) force in our country, they protect the government and handle the small crimes. The Garrison Guard is also known (People like them), they deal with most of the crime, but the cases aren't as near as tough as ours. They also guard our borders from Titan (Underground, highly dangerous Russian mafia). But the people who get the dangerous jobs are us, The Survey Corps. We are the best of the best, the undercover assassins. Our loyalty to the government is questionable but our loyalty to our nation is absolute. We do not act under orders from the monarchy, but we do act under our own laws...........I guess I have to start calling him Levi again. The notorious thug Levi Ackerman is back in business finally, Humanity's Strongest they call him, it's a fact too. To most people he has an off-putting personality, but he has a right to. His whole family left him. He kind of went on a rampage though for awhile, killing a few important people including his long lost uncle Kenny Ackerman. They put him in the asylum after that, I always remember when we would go on missions that Hange and Levi would come up with these crazy plans and I would always be there to fix it and pay for damage. I still love Levi though- oh god did I seriously just say that........


Words: 1057

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