Listen up Children

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So I first off wanna say, thx so much for reading this trash heap of a fanfic, I've put a lot of thought into the story but I don't really know where to go next with this, I don't know when I'm going to end it, I always hate when other people end stories because I personally Love insanely long stories but sometimes they just drag on. I hope I'm not boring anyone to tears so please feel free to leave comments because I love reading feedback and criticism is nice. I won't delete your comment even if you want to be an ass hat because who honestly isn't? Alright so next, I was thinking of making another book for this story but I don't know what chapter to stop this at and usually sequels don't live up to their older counterparts sooooo I could either make a really long book or have more than one.....idek just comment. That's all my little chicken nuggets 🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗

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