Chapter 8: Fortune Cookie prt 2

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O U T S I D E  M A R I A  H I G H:     (Eren POV)

I was waiting for school to start with Mikasa and Armin, when a black limo (with the same emblem as the one I saw on the poster) drove up. It stopped and then drove a block away into an alley, a few minutes later three people started walking towards the school all about my age, I studied them for a moment and then turned back to Mikasa and Armin. Mika was mesmerized by something on her phone, I glanced over at Armin to see what he was doing, he was reading a manga called black butler, the cover had a very handsome looking man on the front, he laughed when he saw me looking.

"Wanna read it Eren? Wait till I'm done and then I will let you. I have the whole series at our house."

 "Nah, I'll just steal it from you later." I grinned and turned to watch Mikasa. She was grinning suspiciously, and I just turned away from that whole thing to my own phone where I was just scrolling through instagram. A few minutes later we walked through the doors back to my least favorite place in the entire world.

F I R S T  H O U R

I was currently listening to Mr. Dok go on and on about something none of us knew. I did take notes though, a few minutes later the door opened and everyone's heads turned to see who it was. The principle walked in and I immediately thought he was here for me (A/N Irl though, every time the principle at my school decides to just pop into classrooms it scares the actual hell out of me and I have developed this really bad anxiety about it DX) ,but then he opened the door further to reveal the people I saw from earlier. One had blonde hair and really big eyebrows, the next had brown/red hair with glasses and gave me (seriously only me) the weirdest grin I've ever seen, the last person was a really short, raven haired boy who stared at everyone with a really cold stare, he looked over my way and his eyes softened a bit.

"Mr.Dok, these are the new exchange students from Nedlay district, everyone else, please treat them as though they are your friends alright? Okay I'll be going now, have a good day" The new students looked around for open seats and I looked behind me, there were three of them.

"U-Um there's three seats over here," the blonde one smiled and motioned for the others to follow, the crazy girl sat behind Mikasa, eyebrows behind Armin and the cute- the short one sat behind me.

"Hi, my name's Erwin Smith, this is Hanji Zoe, and this is Levi Ackerman, nice to meet you"

"Oh hey nice to meet you too, my name is Eren Jaeger, this is Mikasa Ackerman and the coconut over there is Armin Arlert, hey Mika any relation to Levi?"

"No, I think I would remember someone like him....."

"So Eren!!! Tell us about yoursel-"

"Excuse me, class has already started so, please be quiet and pay attention," Mr. Dok went back over to the whiteboard and continued dragging on about some kind of math thingies and how you would probably never use these in real life, he assigned us our homework and gave us only like two minutes to do it. Mikasa actually finished hers so she helped me with mine, as soon as Armin got his paper though he stuffed it in his bag. I asked him why he wasn't doing it now, and he said it was because he gets too bored at home. Bullcrap, I laughed quietly to myself and let Mika continue helping me. Before the bell rung I felt a tap on my shoulder and turne around to see Levi, he stared at me intently, and I just kinda stared back, then he cleared his throat.

"....sorry, u-uh what's your next class brat?" he somewhat talked at me,  I scowled back at him.

"Stage Craft & Design, why?"

"Oh same, eyebrows and four eyes both have a different class, wanna walk with me?"

"Sure, we have to stop at my locker first though,"

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