Chapter 12: Fortune Cookie prt 6

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(A/N I hope you guys don't mind that Levi is happier in this story than some others, In this book Levi reflects me kind of, he has a friend that he secretly may or may not like, in actuality though, his personality is pretty much the same as mine, sorry continue with the story xD)

M A R I A  H I G H: (Levi POV)

I walked behind my group of friends that I somehow managed to make, as we slowly walked up the steps along with the other kids, they were probably all thinking, do I really need to be here? Is it really worth it? Probably not but oh well. I finally made it to my locker and opened it only to have it be shut again.


"Levi, you said you trusted me, so why didn't you tell me you were dating him?" I sighed and re-opened my locker, getting my stuff.

"Eren, I never lied to you, I'm not dating that scum. I'm sorry for worrying you..." Suddenly Eren began to laugh, I raised my head and made eye contact with him.

"Levi, you're hilarious! You make it sound like we are dating! I'm sorry too, for being so stupid about this," He leaned down and hugged me, I guess I've fallen for the boy with the ocean teal eyes. We both pulled away and walked back outside to where the marching band was waiting to practice, everyone in marching band gets to school an hour earlier so that we can practice. Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Hanji and I are all in marching band. Mikasa plays the flute (once again she's first chair), Armin plays his oboe, Eren and I play in the drum line, and Hanji plays the trumpet.

"Attention everyone! I would like to begin with the announcements as always before we begin..." The band director started.

"First off, we the marching band will be hosting a fundraiser to help us pay for our upcoming trip! The school board and your band directors have decided where we will be going.........hold onto your hats kids................. 'cause we're going to France!!!" The football field erupted with cheers mine probably the loudest, as that's where my family lives (accept for my mom), right in the heart of Paris. The director had everyone quiet down as he continued.

"Oh, also, the wrestling tryouts will begin after school today and tomorrow so come prepared!" I looked over at Eren.

"Are you gonna tryout Eren?"

"Planning on it why? We're you gonna tryout too? Ya know........they base their rankings on height mostly" Eren smirked and I stomped on his foot.

"Ow! Levi that hurt!!"

"It's your own fault dummy," I almost broke a smile as I watched him, our fun was cut short though by our band director holding up his baton, me and Eren have a drum face off at the beginning so we got into formation.

"Alright ready everyone?"





 A T  L U N C H: (Eren Pov)

"Oi! Eren wait up!" I had just gotten my tray and walked into the lunch line when I heard Levi behind me, he rushed over to me and grabbed his tray too.

"Sorry I didn't wait for you after class, I was really hungry," I chuckled and he almost smiled at me.

"I wanted to ask you something Eren..." I looked down at Levi to see his face flushed a slight shade of pink.

"Um well I went to Panda Express recently with eyebrows and shitty glasses and they gave us an extra fortune cookie and I was wondering if you maybe.....wanted one?" 

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