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The room started filling with sun light, telling me that it was finally morning. Earlier, I had opened my window, so that the person who was sent to watch me could see clearly. I wasn't going to make it hard for them because I have nothing to hide. I started removing my clothes, just my shirt and pants, and looked if I had to heal any more wounds. No, there is nothing I can see. I sat back down on the bed, absentmindedly tracing the one scar I couldn't get rid of. It was a slash across my chest. From my right collar bone to my left side. If I knew medical jutsu better when it happened, then I wouldn't have this scar, but it can't be helped. It is a clean cut, a slash from a sword.

"Hey Hiroti!" A shout came from outside my house followed by obnoxiously loud knocks. I blinked, putting my clothes back on when I placed the voice to Naruto. I remember he didn't like it when I was taking them off. After making sure I was fully clothed, i opened the door, grabbing the blonde's hand before he could hit me from his furious knocking.

"Good Morning." I greeted. The old man used to say that sarcastically when he would walk into my cell. I'm glad he is dead.

"Oh man I'm so glad you're real! I thought you were made from my imagination!" He said, throwing his arms around to show his emotions better.

"No, I am as real as you are." I said plainly. He grinned and nodded. He then seemed to suddenly realize something.

"IM LATE FOR CLASS!" He shouted, running as fast as he could. "ILL SEE YOU LATER HITORI!!" He called out to me before leaving my sight down the dirt road.

Now is the time to go sight seeing, I suppose. And get more clothing. Yes I will need more clothes. The ones I'm wearing are the same as yesterday's, which are dirty and ripped up. I stepped out of my house after getting the sack of coins, looking for the closest store. Soon enough, I found one. Quickly picking a black shirt, grey ninja pants, close toed ninja shoes, a weapons sack, and a grey vest, I bought them. I bought about five pairs of them all. That leaves me three quarters of the way through the bag. Weapons would probably be a good idea, to fill the sack. Before getting the weapons, I changed my clothes, throwing the old ones away.

I walked into the weapons shack, picking out 10 kunies, 5 smoke bombs, a katana, and 6 throwing stars. The katana came with a strap, so I put it under my vest to only use for certain situations. I paid for all of it, bringing me to almost all of it gone. I guess I could eat food for a first time in a while. I could go without food for at most 5-6 days. By then I would be starving but still ready to fight for my life.

I walked into the market, seeing all kinds of food in the stands. I grabbed some potatoes, some carrots, noodle cups, a kind of meat, and right when I was about to grab some tomatoes a person bumped into me. Not at such a strong force they would fall, but just a soft push. I turned my head and saw a male with black eyes, pale skin, and black hair. Or was that blue hair? I do not know. He was just looking at the tomatoes. He must like them a lot. I just picked some up and walked away. I have a feeling that won't be the last time I'm going to see him. I don't know if that's is a good thing, but it's going to happen either way. I paid for the food and started walking again with about 10-30 coins left in the bag.

As I was strolling through the streets, I realized I had rather long hair. It reached about my shoulders. It would probably get in the way. I pulled out a kunia and cut it off, putting the knife back into my bag. As I was walking, I noticed lots of the female population around my age had been staring in my direction. Are they about to attack? If they are, I should be ready since I have my weapons and my chakra is to its fullest. Which reminds me, I'm going to have to train soon. I do not like doing nothing if I could be training. That is why I am so strong, I had nothing better to do while I was in that cell.

Once I had eaten from one of the stands, I left to my home once again. It was dark now, and I think the person the hokage sent is still watching for me. It would make sense. I had only been here for two days. I am sure they have informed him that I had bought weapons. When I came up to my door, I had found Naruto sitting next to it. Blinking, I come closer and see that he had fallen asleep. He must have been waiting for a long time. I opened the door, looking back at the blonde. After I set down the bags, placing them in the, hopefully, right places. The wooden box with handles is a sort of storage compartment so I put my clothes in there. I put the food in the cold box thing in the kitchen. I am getting off topic. I picked up my friend, walking into my house. I don't have anything he can really lay on. I guess he could just sleep with me in my bed, since there is nothing wrong with it. After setting him down I laid down next to him, just staring at the ceiling. I have nothing to do tonight that could benefit me in some way. I looked to the blonde, analyzing him fully. He had whisker-like lines in his cheeks, lightly tanned skin, bright blonde hair, and wore a faded yellow shirt with a swirl, blue pants completing his clothing choice. Those would not be the best choice for ninja clothing. If he wants to become one, that is.

That reminds me, I still have all of my new things on me. I stood back up and took off my vest, weapons pouch, katana, and shoes. I sat back on the bed, laying down next to the whisper boy. He had a strange chakra, so that would explain his backstory. I will find out soon enough.

Hope I spelled stuff right.

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