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t i m e s k i p -3 years

Instead of the all too familiar yell of my hyper blonde friend, I was taken out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. I slowly moved out of my bed and opened my front door. Standing there was the Hokage, no ANBU with him. I opened the door wider and let him inside my house. He sat down on the couch and smiled at me. Not the usual smile though, a nervous and slightly amused smile. I furrowed my eyebrows and walked in front of him to wait for his news.

"I'm going to start sending you to the academy." He stated bluntly. I blinked, processing what is going on. "I have decided that I could trust you with my life and that you can protect Naruto."

"That explains it. When do I start?" I asked. Sasuke said that the academy is extremely easy and boring. He also said that the worst part is his fangirls. I still don't understand the female behavior or the red faces because no one has wanted to finish their explanations. Naruto says that the academy is too hard and confusing. Maybe I could help him.

"Hitori, are you listening to me?" I heard the old voice of the male in my house. I blinked and looked at him again. I need to start realizing that I am zoning out.

"I am now." I said truthfully. He chuckled a bit and then continued with a lecture about the academy. I only asked for when I'm going. I could ask sasuke or Naruto if I have any other questions.

"You will start a week from now." I nodded and watched as he left. He turned back to look at me and shook his head, amused. "I can't believe I thought you would complain."

I shrugged and locked the door after he took his leave. I think I gained a lot of common knowledge since I came here. Such as emotions, language, and objects. I talk more like Naruto than I did when I came here. Sasuke said that I shouldn't change my way of speaking, so I don't talk exactly like other people. I have noticed that Sasuke would show much more of his emotions to me than to anyone else. I know most emotion but the one that I can not fully grasp in love. It greatly confuses me. Over the last three years, I've tried to understand by books because the girls I would meet would tell me that they love me. All I could really grasp from the information is that it means you are very fond of someone, but the feeling is greater than anyone else when you are with a special person. Perhaps I shouldn't rely on books so much because they are harder to understand when I look for information on emotions.

Over the three years I have been here, Naruto had grown away from the three people who came over to my house. They visit me from time to time. I think Naruto has become more attached to me that they have, though. Same for Sasuke. I have tried to befriend more girls, but they are not as easy to deal with as boys. Also, Naruto or Sasuke are there to pull me away from them if I end up having a good conversation with the girl. When I start going to the academy, Naruto and Sasuke will meet. I have never talked to them at the same time because I have a feeling that something bad will happen. I wonder wh-

Knock Knock Knock

I walked to the front door again and opened it, seeing that it was a girl about my age. Her face turned red and she started stuttering out words. I put a finger over her lips to stop her from talking. She turned a darker shade of red and closed her mouth. I took my hand away and sighed.

"What do you need?" I asked, tilting my head at her slightly. It has become a habit of mine.

"I've come to confess to you Hitori-San!" She squeaked, looking away from me.

"Confess what? Did you do something wrong?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing. This is where I have stayed the same. Naruto, Sasuke, and the other three always say that I am too dense when it comes to emotions even if I have knowledge of them.

"I love you Hitori-San!" She said, closing her eyes tightly.

"When I define that better I will answer you." I said, leaning on my door frame. She blinked and smiled brightly. This is what I say to every girl that tells me this and they don't leave me alone after. I forced a smile on my face and she left. I dropped my expression and closed my door. I walked into my bathroom and bathed, walking back to my front door and going to the training grounds. Before I could get there I was tackled from behind. I looked up, seeing it was just the hokage's grandson. He has taken a liking to me for some reason and I just excepted it. "Hello there." I said, smiling normally at him. He smiled back and sat up on me.

"Are you gonna train?! We should totally train together!!" He shouted. I chuckled and decided I would tire him out. I made a clone, making it turn to a nine year old version of me, seeing he was about eight. They ran off together and I continued to make my way to the training ground.

"Kakashi, I know for a fact that the hokage told you that you didn't have to watch me anymore about a month ago." I said to nothing, as it seemed. A rustle was heard and he appeared beside me. I shook my head, telling him he should be shameful. He laughed at me and shook his head right back at me.

"It's nice to see you too kid." He said.  I rolled my eyes and he laughed again. We came up to the training grounds and I got into a fighting position. He is probably going to offer to train with me. "Do you want me to train with you?"

"Yes. If you want to. I know that you need the training too." I said, hearing him walked in front of me before planting his feet onto the ground.

"Let's do this." He said, putting away his book and moving his forehead protector.

"Serious, now are we?" I joked, smirking at him. It's amazing how much emotions and facial expressions I have gained naturally by hanging out with my friends. Maybe I could learn to love one of them, they did teach me all these things. Why not love? I noticed kakashi wasn't going to make the first move so I jumped forward, bringing my hands together and forming quick hand signs that his sharingan couldn't even read.

Maybe one day I'll use my kekkie genkai against someone while training. It'll have to be used soon, after all. No one's even seen it yet.

This book is going rather fast. So....

Love interests? Since this is a various I can pick a few. Sasuke and Naruto are obviously part of it. Who else?

Who would have guessed? (Seme!male!reader X Naruto various)Where stories live. Discover now