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"There's a dude in a tree!!"

I sat up and looked around, scanning the area for chakra signatures. There were about five, one right under me while the others were moving quickly to me. There was a lot of chakra coming from a few miles away. Probably the village that these five came from. I looked down, seeing a male about my age. I jumped from the tree and landed right on top of him. I had a kunia to his throat as he gave me a look of fear.

"Who are you and why are you calling for more people?" I asked, glaring at him. He tried to shrink back and I only glared harder.

"I-I just found you in the tree! I swear it's nothing!" He said, turning his head away. I narrowed my eyes and grabbed his chin, making him look at me. He doesn't seem like he's lying. His face is just turning red.

"Ok." I said, nodding as I stood up off him. I held a hand out to him and he took it, letting himself be pulled up. I heard footsteps and was about to attack before he put his hands in front of me so I wouldn't do anything. I only nodded.

Two girls and three boys showed up. About the same age as the boy. One of the boys was about to tackle me and I immediately slammed him onto the ground, keeping my foot on his back.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" The boy who I met first yelled, waving his hands around. He reminds me of Naruto a bit. "That's my friend! He thought you were dangerous!"

I slowly took my foot off of his back and he quickly got up and took a fighting position. One of the girls rolled her eyes and pushed him out of the way to stand in front of me. I blinked, tilting my head slightly. That was an aggressive move. It reminds me of the girls from my village. Maybe all females really are the same.

"Hello cutie~! My name is Yin!" She said, smirking slightly and leaning toward me. I just slowly nodded. The other girl pushed her over and Yin stumbled and an anger mark appeared on her forehead. The other girl grinned at me and held out her hand.

"Hiya there! I'm Tana!" She chirped, grinning widely at me. I nodded and smiled back at her. She turned red and looked away, muttering under her breathe.

"I'm Cray." A plain voice said. I looked in their direction and I spotted one of the males looking at me blankly. He reminds me of me when I first wen to Konoha. I'm sure he has his reasons. He seemed to be looking for something while staring at me. I relaxed my face and his eyes widened. I still have a bit left of myself from when I first came to Konoha. You can't just forget about your past.

"I'm Kano!" A cheerful voice interrupted. I turned in the direction it came from, seeing it was a male with white hair. I nodded. I heard a grunt and turned to the black haired male I had pinned down earlier when he tried to attack me.

"Since we are giving away personal information like idiots, my name is Mako." He said, scowling at me. I glared at him and he shrunk back slightly. I turned to the first one I saw and smiled at him. He looked away and his cheeks turned a slight red.

"I'm Shane, and we're from a non-ninja village from not to far from here." He said, smiling at me after the redness on his cheeks had faded.

"I need to refill on some things, so could you please lead me there?" I asked him. He nodded and looked at his companions who either looked away or nodded.

Once we got to their village I was about to walk off before I was grabbed my my forearm and to a random direction. It was Shane. I was lead into a classroom of children. Then looked at us in curiosity while the teacher looked at us with irritation. He set me in front of the teacher, a female, who had an irk mark.

"Is there a reason you interrupted class? Again?" She asked, glaring at Shane.

"I've brought a ninja to show the class." He said, smiling at her with false innocence. She sighed and looked me over before waving her hand. Shane turned towards the class and so did I. "I have a ninja everyone!"

I was immediately surrounded by the kids, asking multiple questions at the same time. I looked at Shane with a blank facial expression and he grinned, looking away slightly. My eye twitched and I teleported to the court outside. I was not going to deal with this. The kids crowded around the window and waved at me or pointed with hyper expressions. I waved at Shane and walked away to supply myself with food.

Yawning, I looked around and spotted Cray selling fruits at one of the stands. I walked to him and he spotted me, keeping the look on his face. I made it to his stand a bought basically one of each fruit and put it in my scroll. He stared at me as I did it, furrowing his eyebrows. I put the scroll back in my bag and pulled out my money.

"How much was that?" I asked, opening my sack.

"200 yen." He said. I nodded and passed him the money. I will have to ask him where he got his emotionless from. Maybe when I see them again. I have a feeling I'm not going to just stay here for a day. A hand grabbed my vest collar and started pulling me back in the direction I came from. The school. Which means it's just Shane. I just let him drag me back to those kids. I'm sure it won't be too bad as long as I keep them in their seats. I have read that their attention span isn't very long. It should be fine.

Was that basically useless? Yea probably. I couldn't just skip all the way to the Sand Village though.

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