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I woke up the next morning by the same annoying voice of the tailed beast. Gaara' chakra was strong enough to let me sleep. It's not too far away apparently. Actually....I think Gaara is standing outside my door. I released the KI to shut the demon up and stood from my bed. I silently made it to my door and opened it. I was right. He looked at me in suprise, from what I could see, and was about to walk away before I grabbed his shoulder.

"Which tailed beast do you hold?" I asked, curious. He turned his body to me fully, letting me drop my hand from his shoulder.

"It is Shukaku." He said. I nodded. I think I've read about that one. It is the one tail, and would make sense considering the gourd on his back filled with sand. How did I not figure that out before?

I sat on the bed and motioned for Gaara to follow me. He did so, and I thought of what I could ask him. He will not open up to me unless he knows I haven't had the brightest past. He would feel as if I understand him if I told him. Yes, I will do that. Everyone needs someone, as Naruto puts it.

"Well, I am Hitori Janai. Since you had asked the question first yesterday, I will answer it. No, I did not have the brightest child hood which lead me to having that opinion on myself. I was locked in a dark cell underground after watching my parents fall before me. I've been forced to do horrible things and am known for the mess I left behind." I said. He stared at me for a moment. This reminds me of when I first met Sasuke.

"I see....." the red head started, looking away from me. He has an interesting color for his eyes. I haven't seen them before. "I have been called a monster all my life and only looked at in fear. I suppose you can relate to that. My father has called multiple assassinations on me however."

That is different. I would say he has had the worst past from what I have heard. Naruto, with being alone all his life, Sasuke, with his brother killing off his whole clan, and now Gaara, who has been betrayed by his father and has also been alone all his life. What a horrid world we live in. Perhaps it is the villagers who are the real monsters. What a backwards world we live in.

I heard Shukaku growl something before being quiet again. "Well, I don't see you as a monster. I have no reason too. I think I would be classified as a monster too. I've been called that many times by people who I have reaped the lives of. What is put in you shouldn't make you who you are. It didn't stop someone I know." I said, looking off into the distance. Naruto and Gaara have turned out completely different. The world wouldn't be as bright if Naruto wasn't the way he was. I have a feeling that he will be a great part in this world's history. Sasuke will too. Gaara, he will be part of this village's history. For sure. I sound like I belong in a book.

"You don't stay focused for very long. What do you think of?" I heard Gaara asked. I looked back at him and smiled.

"Random things. They aren't relevant." I said, shaking my head slightly. He looked at my face for a long while before slowly returning my smiled. He is learning the same way I am. "You are now my friend."

"Why would you want me as a friend?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at me, losing his smile.

"Because you need one. This is somehow how I made my closest friends." I said, scratching the back of my head slightly. What an odd way I meet people in.

"This is.....different." He said, furrowing is eyebrows. Er, nonexistent eyebrows.

"I know. I was in that same situation not too long ago. You'll get used to it. Would you like to train with me?" I asked, tilting my head slightly. He should be a good opponent. If he happens to lose control I will just use my Kekkie Genkai.

"Yes. If something out of the ordinary happens, please stop me." He said, looking down. I grabbed his hand and walked to the nearest open spot outside the building.

I slid into a fighting stance and he stood there, unmoving. He must rely on his sand to do everything for him. I felt two chakra signatures outside the building and stopping at a watching distance. It is most likely his siblings. I did the first attack, making my hands slide into multiple different signs before I stopped.

"Mizu no ido*!" I shouted, the floor breaking apart and water seeping through the cracks. I could see Gaara quickly shift chakra into his feet so he could stand on the lake we now stood on. It should help me with his sand. He looked at me and I could see the hint of excitement in his foam green eyes. My hands moved again and stopped at the boar sign. "Wind release: Kūki no tsumari*." I mumbled, the air around is stopping and creating an invisible cage so none of our attacks could damage anything but each other.

Sand started pouring out of his gourd and he smirked at me. He has changed greatly since I have met him. Maybe he has always had emotions and never showed them.

t i m e s k i p

I panted and floated in the lake I had made. Gaara did the same, his gourd floating away from him. I chuckled as I watched him lazily grab the sash so it wouldn't get far. Somewhere in the middle I had to put the tailed beast in a deep sleep so he wouldn't disturb Gaara while he was active.

".....thanks." Gaara said, his voice low. I took in a few breathes before I could answer.

"What are you thanking me for?" I asked. The water rippled a bit before he came floating by me.

"For being my friend...accepting me. Even if you leave not too long after this." He said shortly. "Thanks."

"Thank you for training with me. And for being my friend. There isn't much people you can trust any more." I said, dryly chuckling after I said it.

"That's true. I thought you wanted me for a weapon when you first said we should be friends." He said, gripping one of my arms that was closest to him.

"It makes sense. Life wasn't easy on us. It lets us see things clearly though. From a different angle that not many can see." I said, looking at the now black sky littered with stars. Now that I'm looking at it, it's very beautiful.

"I guess you're right. Other people don't deserve to see me this way. I've gotten soft in only the day I have met you. How is that even possible?" He asked, laughing in an unamused way.

"I don't know. I'm not your every day person I suppose." I said, smiling. I could feel that he was smiling too. I wonder how stupid we look.

Yay Gaara. He's probably my favorite character. I don't know. He was really OOC in this but really, how could he like you if he wasn't? If he likes someone it's obvious he would act OOC because he's just weird like that. Spoiler: You're leaving the sand village in two days.

*Mizu no ido: water shift
*Kūki no tsumari: air blockage

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