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I sat up in the bed the next morning, it still being dark by how early it is. I picked Naruto up and teleported to his house so he could get ready. We need to go to the exam building today. I set him down in his bed and teleported back. I trained to fill my time until the morning, practicing with the katana since I barley use it. Sighing, I looked into a tree that I had sensed a chakra in.

"It seems you're still sharp as ever." The voice of Temari. She jumped from the tree and landed on the ground in front of me, placing a hand on her hip. "You know, we missed you. It's been a while." She said, smiling.

"Yes. It has. Why have you come to see me?" I asked. She sighed and dropped the hand that was propped on her hip.

"Gaara really missed you Hitori. You were the only one he opened up to in years. I know I'm afraid of him but that doesn't make him any less of my brother." She said, looking to the side instead of me.

"That is nice. He will meet Naruto soon, and he'll teach him something important. It's what the blonde does." I said, smiling. She smiled back and turned her body around, probably leaving.

"By the way, you and your friend look cute together." Temari said and jumped off, giggling. I blinked and tilted my head. What does cute mean? And what friend?

I gave up on thinking about it and started walking to the exam building. I wasted chakra with all the unnecessary teleporting. When I walked in, Might Guy's team was already here. From the looks of it, they didn't do anything yet. They spoke to the younger versions of the guards at the gate. I suppose it's to see if thy really are ready to go through, because they also set a genjutsu. It's obvious really. I walked one flight of stairs to get to this room. Second floor. You didn't have to be a ninja to figure it out, I don't think.

I came out of my thoughts when lee and Neji got kicked back. Seems like they are going to hide their true strength. I simply walked straight past them and opened the doors.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" The younger version of the guard said. I will need to learn their names.

"To the third floor. Keep this illusion up for the next team to figure out." I said. They stared at me as I walked down the hall until the closed the door to deal with them again. I made it to the third floor but there wasn't much people here yet. I walked around a bit, and I think I got lost because I ended up walking into a room where Sasuke and Lee were fighting. It looked like Lee was explaining why his sharingan wasn't working on him.

I caught Sasuke when the turtle showed up, landing next to Naruto. Sasuke glared at the floor when I set his feet on the ground, still supporting him. "Sasuke, this wasn't a lose. It was a reason to work harder." I said. He slowly nodded before heavily leaning on me. I put and arm around his waist to keep him up.

"Lee, that move is forbidden." The turtle said. We all watched as Lee was scolded by the turtle. Sasuke glared at them, probably thinking of something.

Might Guy was then standing on top of the turtle's shell in a weird pose. "You guys are in the spring time of your life, aren't you?!" He asked. He released the pose and team 7 started talking about him.

Naruto and Lee started yelling at each other until Guy broke it up. Guy punched Lee in the face and Lee flew across the room. "Lee, you...you..." I teleported away before he could finish. I appeared in the exam room.

"Hitori! Hey Hitori!" I heard a familiar voice yell. I looked around for it until I met eyes with Kiba. He grinned and waved his left arm to me. I walked to him and his team. Hinata and Shino. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Yes, I have been spending lots of time with team 7 I suppose." I said. His eyes widened. "How has your team been?"

"That doesn't matter now! You've been doing missions and stuff with team 7 and not us?!" He shouted. I slowly nodded, confused as to why he was upset about it. "It's fine, we'll just request for you to go on missions with us!"

"Ok." I said, not minding. I looked to Shino. "I have not spoke to you yet I don't think. You are in the clan that is involved with insects, right?" He nodded. "That explains why there are so many on you. Especially under your jacket."

Before we could say anything else, the door opened. I turned to see team 7. Ino jumped onto Sasuke and Sakura and her started talking. I smiled when Shikamaru and choji showed up. I started walking over, not realizing team 8 was following.

"Yo." I greeted after Kiba was done talking. Ino smiled at me and tried to jump to me next but Sakura started hanging by my arm. How does this keep happening to me?

"Hitori! Where did you go?! We had to go through that weird train reck when that weird guy showed up!" Naruto said, pulling at his hair.

"I did not think I needed to be there." I said. He groaned but excepted it. A teenager with grey hair showed up not too long after. He pulled out orange cards with kanji written on the back of them. I watched as he brought out Gaara's and Lee's cards....and mine for some reason. He knows what I do.

"Janai Hitori taken three b-ranks, 5 c-ranks, and 20 D-ranks. Unknown stats. From Konoha." I heard him say. I suppose I don't keep a high profile. Maybe I should, so that he wouldn't be questioning these things.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto! I'm not going to lose to any of you!" Naruto shouted after a few moments of silence. "Got that?!"

Sakura and ino started arguing and Naruto smiled, apparently relaxing everyone from the tense atmosphere. Sakura started beating Naruto again and I watched as the people of the sound started moving this way. The man wrapped in bandages moved his arm forward, creating a strange sound coming from the machine on his arm. I think it is a machine....

Kabuto tried to move but the sound still got to him. It's hard to avoid sounds, they don't only affect your ears. His glasses broke and he threw up only seconds after. They talked before smoke went up in the front of the room, followed by a loud voice.

"Quiet down! You punks!" A group of Chunin and up stood in the front now, a man with scars on his face in front of all of them. "Sorry to keep you waiting. I am the examiner of the first test of the Chunin Selection Exam, Morino Ibiki."

It's Saturday! Im going to do nothing after this, fuck all life.

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