God Damn it

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Yay. I got tagged. I got tagged by
Ash-Ackerman-69  and yea. Let's just do this.

Sane or insane?
Both. I have my moments. I guess. I'm pretty damn emo sometimes tho

How big is your family?
Uh, in the middle? I mean, I have 5 siblings and two parents which is just us. And then all the cousins and uncles and shit.

Dream job?
I dunno. One where I get money.

Ok, I'm a dude. I don't know if anyone knew that. Note my sarcasm.

What makes you mad?
When people mess with my friends and/or family. I have won so many fights because of this shit and it's not stopping now. I don't think I really care if anything is directed at me. Eh.

What creeps you out?
....I dunno nothing really. I guess the thought of being afraid in the first place. It fucks you up and I'd rather go without it.

Favorite color?
I'm bipolar about this so, fuck it, imma just pick red.

Type of game?
Dah fuq? What does that even mean. PS4 or Xbox one or...? I guess one game that I like is For Honor and first person shooter and shit.

Now time to pass this disease onto someone else:

If you don't do it I honestly couldn't give less fucks. I am just really in a cussing mood today. Really. I find a way to swear in each question.

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