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I waved at Lee's team as I was being dragged back to the Leaf Village. Lee waved back while neji and TenTen stood there with confused faces. I pet the cat in my arms and just waited until we got back to the village. Once we had got to the hokage's office I was let go. I stood up and looked to the lady who was staring at the feline in my hands. I walked to her and held the cat out at arms reach so she could take it from me. The cat was aggressively snatched from my arms and was hugged extremely tight. I was about to turn around to hear what the hokage was saying, but I was grabbed by the arm and pulled into the lady with the cat.

I think I might die here. Suffocated by a bigger lady. I looked to the cat and it looked like it was thinking the same thing. I was starting to pass out from the lack of air, until a hand grabbed my free one and started pulling on it. It was only then did I hear that the lady was saying 'thank you' the whole time because my ears weren't blocked. I looked back as realized Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto were all pulling on my arm to free me. This is a very strong lady. I landed in the floor with an 'oof' and held my head in my hands.

"That lady was going to kill you!" Naruto shouted, clutching his hair in his hands.

"Yea, I was thinking that too." I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Why didn't you just get away?" Sasuke asked, holding a hand in front of me. I took it and he pulled me to my feet.

"That was the wife of the Feudal lord. I couldn't do much." I said, straightening my clothes out. I watched as the women went to pay for her things and left.

"Listen!" The hokage shouted, standing up slightly from his seat.

"I am sorry." Kakashi said, turning back to look at the old man. I chuckled at him and the jounin looked at me with his one eye and glared slightly. I smirked at him, looking back at Naruto.

"You always lecture me like that, pops. I'm not the kid that used to pull pranks anymore!" Naruto said, turning around and puffing his cheeks out.

I looked at sasuke, only to find that he was already looking at me. Once he noticed that I was staring back, his eyes widened and he looked at the floor.

"Ok, I understand!" Naruto looked up as soon as the hokage said that, Sasuke doing the same. "If you insist...I will allow you to take on a C ranked mission. It's to escort a certain person."

"Really?!" Naruto asked, turning his head in the hokage's direction. He then turned his whole body around. "Who? Who?! The feudal lord? Or a princess?"

"Don't get so hasty." The old man said. "I'll introduce him now. Can you please come in?" He asked the last part directed to the chakra source outside the door.

The door slid open and I forced myself not to cover my nose. He smelled of heavy sake. It's going to make my head hurt. It was an older man who had glasses, not hiding his red cheeks, and a hat placed onto his back. He said something about us being kids before leaning on the door frame.

"Hey, is the smallest one there with the idiotic face really a ninja?" He grunted. Pointing at one of us.

Naruto laughed. "Who's the smallest one with the idiotic face?" He asked, looking between us. I was the tallest. Then it was Sasuke. Followed by Sakura. That means...."I'm going to kill you!!!" The blonde shouted, only to be lifted into the air by kakashi.

"Don't kill the man you are going to escort, idiot." Kakashi said, looking down to Naruto.l who was flailing around. I frowned, realizing that this stranger had insulted my friend. I looked back at the old man.

"At least he's not as stupid as to walk around and drink sake, pretending to act like a decent person. Along with the fact that you have lied to us before there were any spoken words." I said, glaring at him. As soon as I uttered this words he stepped back and looked another direction. Naruto stopped flailing and looked at me, his eyes wide. I turned to him and smiled before looking back to the drunk man in front of us.

He is guilty. I could tell as soon as I looked at him. I could see the sweat forming on him as he introduced himself, speaking of building a bridge and the land of waves. Apparently his name is Tazuna. I simply left to get myself supplies, walking to the bridge right after.the rest of the team got here soon after, Naruto seeming more excited than ever.

"Alright! Let's go!" He shouted, throwing his hands in the air.

"Why are you all excited for?" Sakura asked, crossing her arms.

"Because I've never gone outside the village before!" He said, looking from side to side and behind him to look at various things. The bridge builder pointed at him and said something I didn't listen to. Kakashi laughed a bit before saying something I didn't care to listen to.

Naruto crossed his arms, an irritated expression on his face. I walked out to him and patted his back. He looked up and smiled at me widely which I returned in my own way. I heard something in the trees and looked in the direction I could feel chakra. I reached into my weapons pack, ready to throw a kunia, before I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking backC I saw it was kakashi, smiling his strange one eyed smile. I relaxed my hand and just sighed.

We finally began walking on the trail, Sasuke's hand on my arm so I would stay next to him. Sakura and kakashi were both talking in front of us. It was when I heard the words "there would be no ninja battles on C ranked missions" that I could feel the old man tense up. He must be in danger then.

We walked for a while more, the chakras from the beginning still following us. They stopped a few meters up the path. As soon as I spotted the puddle with the chakras I'm muting from it, I was pulled into the bushes quickly by the silver haired jounin. A clone took my place and kakashi did a substitution. Once the group had passed the puddle, two people came out. They went after 'kakashi' first, ripping 'him' apart. Then mine, most likely because I spotted them before the journey had started. Their reactions were...emotional for sure. I watched the fight scene....until one of them went after Naruto. Sasuke was covering Sakura, so I went to Naruto. As soon as I saw the claw tear the skin of the blonde's hand, I flashed to him and smashed the ninja's face into the ground. I hope they die from suffocation.

I stepped off the man's head and smiled at the team, seeing that they were staring at me and Kakashi in surprise and relief. I walked to Sasuke and patted his back. "Good job Sasuke, especially for your first fight." I said. He smirked at me before turning his head in Naruto's direction.

"Are you hurt.....Scaredy cat?" He asked, before I smacked him on the back of the head. He looked back at me, holding his head.

"Don't go saying that. He just wasn't ready at the time. He'll be fine in the next fight because he'll know the role of it." I said. Sakura started saying things about going back when kakashi exposed tazuna and mentioned poison. Seriously, how can she just give up on a mission when it was assigned to her. It is our job to finish this. I can't even explain how Naruto must be feeling right now, he looks like he just might burst at any moment.

"This is a burden. I guess we're heading back." That was the last straw apparently. Naruto grabbed a kunia and lodged it in his hand. I'm surprised it didn't come out through his palm. This isn't the time to be thinking about this. He just stabbed himself.

He said Something about a vow before I pulled the knife from his hand. "That was a good way to get the poison out, but you might just die if you lose more blood." Kakashi chimed casually. Before Naruto could start freaking out, I took his hand and started healing it, but not before noticing how fast it was already healing on his own. Must be the tailed beast. I could see Kakashi did too.

"This is going to be a long mission...." I mumbled as we were on the move again.

Yea. I'm really bored. Someone save me please. I think I might just die. Lay on the floor and die. But then I wouldn't be able to listen to music.... never mind.

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