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Eventually we ended up in a boat, being taken across the water. I stared at the water, putting my hand in it. Some fish brushed against my hand as we continued slowly across the water. I listened as Tazuna told his story. Gator is trying to kill him because he still wants to be in control is what I picked up from this. Not having enough money is a good reason to try to get back, and the reason they are building the bridge is worthy of still being protected.

"We're almost there." The man rowing the boat informed us, looking straight ahead. I looked, seeing arches in a brick structure that we are most likely going to go through. "Tazuna, it seems like we haven't been noticed yet."

We went through one of the tunnels, red lights trailing the top of it. Once we had made it out, the landscape had drastically changed. It was much brighter and colors were more noticeable. Naruto leaned forward, smiling as he looked around. Once we had stepped off and Tazuna thanked the man, the man left with the motor going. Why could he use it now?

I walked beside Naruto at the front, him smiling at me every so often. Sasuke then met pace with us a little later. The blonde started walking faster and suddenly stopped to throw a knife into the bushes. Nothing was there in the first place so see no point in doing that. While they started yelling at him I looked in another direction. There is definitely something there. A kunia flew where I was looking, guess Naruto felt it too.

A white rabbit was behind the bushes....white rabbit? It's a snow rabbit so it should have turned brown by now. I looked around, not paying any attention to the people crowding around a shocked rabbit. Must be the jounin then.

"Duck!" Kakashi shouted, making everyone fall to the floor as a sword came spiraling into a tree. A man with cow print leggings and arm warmers. Why didn't he have a shirt? Doesn't that leave him even more open to attack a if it hits him? Strange people.

"Why are you facing the other way?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed. I had interrupted the thick silence and everyone looked at me. "And why is the metal part of the forehead protector on the side of your head? How would that protect your-"

"Shut up, kid!" The man in cow print said, turning around still on the handle of his overly large sword. Now that I look at him, he does look like one of the people from ten bingo book. What was it? Zabuza M-

"Oh, my, my, you are Momochi Zabuza, the exiled ninja of the Hidden Village of Mist." Kakashi said, walking forward slightly and interrupting my thoughts. Naruto tried to run towards the man but kakashi held a hand in front of him to stop him. "You're in the way-" he was about to say something else but a chakra appeared behind me and pulled me into the forest.

I kicked their leg and held a knife to their throat when they had hit the floor. It was a person with an ANBU mask. Hidden Village of Mist sign. I pinned their arms above their head and glared at them. I've found that my glares are frightening to people. I use it to my advantage a lot.

"Who are you and why did you remove me from my team." I growled, moving the knife closer to their neck. Instead of piercing them, I flicked his mask off. They had a feminine face. I could not pin point what gender he was. "And of what gender are you?"

"I am a male." He said, blinking at me. I tilted my head, edging him to answer my other questions. "I am an ANBU-"

"Let me stop you there. I know for a fact that you would not have taken me from my team if you were an ANBU. I will ask again. Who are you and why did you remove me from my team?" I said, informing him of his bad lie.

"It seems you are sharper than others. I am Haku. I serve the only person important, Zabuza." He said. I did not expect him to say it so quickly. I don't detect any lies.

"I see. What lead you to think that?" I asked, simply just tilting my head and trusting him.

"He had saved me from death and made me much stronger. He is the reason I am here." He said. I understand he is distracting me but I have a feeling that me being in the fight will effect what is supposed to happen. I might as well stay here and talk to him. I stood up from him and he just sat up, not bothering to move.

"I thought I had seen you before. When I went out on one of my many assassinations, I had seen you on a bridge. It was snowing when I had passed by." I said, leaning against a tree. He looked at me.

"Then you are like the rest. Not worthy of my loyalty because you did nothing to help." He said, breaking the eye contact he had made.

"That's only because I couldn't. I was told to do something by my controller and I did it. I had a device in my neck so I couldn't stop what I was doing either." I said, shrugging and looking off. "I believe your father abandoned you and your mother and you were the surviver. And then you met Zabuza."

"...yes." He mumbled. "What happened to you?"

"It's crazy how I befriend scared people. They are the best of us sometimes." I said, resting my chin in the palm of my hand. I told him what happened to me, uttering the same words as I am always forced to repeat. Not exactly forced I suppose.

"That's...worse than me." He said looking at me.

"You should hear the two boys' that were on my team. And the jounin. And a boy I had met in the sand village. I don't think being normal is such a good thing." I said, looking at him. He smiled.

"You have a purpose then?" He asked. I nodded. "Mine is Zabuza. If I can't do that I am useless."

"I live for the people who I have met. They have gone through enough and don't need to lose something important. Without them, I don't think I would have a reason to take up space on earth." I said, realizing just how empty I am. I live for people. It's a good thing to do. "Everyone needs someone." I repeated out loud.

"That is very true. I'm going to go save my purpose now. Good day. I hope we will meet again. Maybe in the after life." He said, standing. I nodded and he left, dashing into the trees to the smell of blood and drained chakra.

Beautiful life. Beautiful lie. We all live in it. The lie that everything is ok, when something is happening behind the sun.

Sorta went emo on the last thought he had.

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