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After a few more missions like that last one, and Naruto trying to show that he is better than Sasuke, we had ended up in the middle of the street. Me and Sasuke were holding Naruto up since he had gotten beaten up by the D-ranked missions. He chose to make them harder than they should have been.

"This is what you get for being reckless." Sakura said, walking next to Sasuke to look at Naruto. Sasuke smirked.

"You're a guy that needs help all the time." The Uchiha said, only infuriating Naruto. The blonde ripped himself away from our grasps and glared at the male comically.

"Sasuke!!" he shouted. He was about to lunge at him before Sakura stopped him. Sasuke paid no attention to it and walked away, dragging me with him. I just let him. Kakashi said something, causing Naruto to shout again. "Yeah! And you're the one who disrupts our teamwork Sasuke! You always stick your nose into everything! And you keep dragging Hitori away!"

He didn't stop walking as he spoke. "That's you idiot. Hitori could stop me anytime I took him away. If you don't want to owe me anything...." he stoped and turned his head around to look at Naruto. "Become stronger than me."

They glared at each other. Sakura was looking at all of this with a helpless look on her face. I just stood there acting like nothing was happening. This happens a lot. They're gonna get through this. Eventually. A bird flew above us and kakashi finally spoke.

"Now then," kakashi said, finally saying something from this whole time. "Shall we call the quits? I have to go submit the mission report now."

We stared at him before Sasuke started dragging me again. "Then I'm going home. Hitori, you're coming with me."

I sighed and slipped my hand out of his grasp. He jumped and looked at me, his eyes showing an emotion I couldn't read. "I need to eat. And I need to stay here. I feel like I need to be here for something."

He sighed but nodded anyway, walking down the road again. Sakura ran after him, speaking of teamwork until he shot her down saying that she was weaker than Naruto. Naruto grinned at me and Kakashi left in a puff of smoke. The blonde was about to speak until he noticed the rectangular box with two holes in it. I chuckled as he was chased by it. He stopped running and pointed at it.

"A square rock with holes like that does not exist!" He shouted. A childish voice that I have made myself familiar with then started speaking before the box blew up in three different colors. Konohamaru and two others coughed once the smoke had lifted a little.

They introduced themselves and I could only laugh a tittle more. The girl looked at me and her eyes started sparkling, along with a pink color flooding her cheeks. Naruto looked at them skeptically before putting his hands behind his head.

"I knew it. It was you three." He said. He looked at them closer and noticed something. "Why do the three of you have goggles on?"

Konohamaru grinned followed by the rest of them. "We copied the old you."

They talked a while more before Sakura was pulled into it. She was staring hard at Naruto before Konohamaru assumed she was his girlfriend. Naruto shook his head wildly saying that he could do better. She took it the wrong way and they all ended up punched. She was walking away when Konohamaru decided that he should open his mouth again.

"That ugly wide-forehead girl! ....is she even a girl?"

She stopped walking and slowly turned around, a furious look on her face. She chased them, Konohamaru gaining speed and leading them until he ran into something. I focused on the thing, or person, he had run into. I blinked owlishly. That's...Kankuro. And Temari. I wonder where Gaara is. Kankuro said something, catching everyone else's attention. He picked him up by his scarf and held him in the air.

"That hurt brat." The paint-faced male said.

"Stop it, we're going to get scolded later." Temari said, glaring off to the side until she met my eyes. Her eyes widened but I just looked back to Kankuro, glaring at him. Sakura said something, still looking helpless.

"Hey! Let got of that hand!!" The blonde shouted. After they said some words Naruto charged and got tripped by Kankuro's chakra strings. I watched the scene for a while until I felt Sasuke's chakra in a tree. He sat there, watching too I am guessing. I got tired of it and shoved Kankuro into the tree Sasuke was in and caught Konohamaru from falling. Sasuke was going to throw that rock in his hand and that would just make Konohamaru fall.

"That's enough Kankuro. This is the Hokage's son. And this isn't your village even if you were invited here." I growled, holding Konohamaru in my right arm. I set the boy down and kicked the tree that Kankuro was lodged in, catching Sasuke bridal style. He grew red and glared at the ground.

"Show off." He mumbled as I set him down. I tilted my head and he just waved it off. I'll find out later.

"He's so cool!" I heard the familiar voice of Sakura squeal. I looked back, seeing that the two girls on our side had hearts in their eyes. I still don't understand why that would be a heard. A heart looks nothing like that.

"Naruto you're not cool!" Konohamaru said, pointing at Naruto with comical tears coming down his face.

"Hitori is just really cool that's why! I'm way better than that guy standing next to him though!" Naruto said, smirking at sasuke. Sasuke just glared at him and scooted closer to me.

Kankuro started coming out of the tree that I had put him in and took 'crow's bandages off. Until he saw it was actually me. His eyes widened and he stopped what he was doing. A hand was placed on my shoulder and I looked to see it was Temari. I was now about her height.

"You've gotten pretty strong eh?" She asked, smiling at me. I smiled back, noticing the redness on her cheeks like all those other times I would see her. Maybe it is a natural redness.

I took my eyes from her and smiled at the boy that was hanging under the tree. While Temari was talking to me, he had teleported there with his sand. He was staring at everything that was happening until we made eye contact. He smiled back slightly before dropping it and speaking.

"You two are a disgrace. We were to meet straight at the resting point." He said, his words directed at the two siblings of his. Their eyes widened. It seems they still fear him.

Sakura stopped them when they were about to walk away. "Hey wait!" They then got into a conversation about the Chunin Selection Exam.

They started walking off again when Sasuke had decided to speak up. "Hey you! What's your name?" Sasuke called out.

Temari turned around while the other two continues walking. "Me?" She asked. He shook his head no.

"No, the one with the gourd on his back." Sasuke said. He obviously wasn't listening, they said his name already.

Gaara stoped and turned around, kankuro following his actions. "Gaara of the desert. What is your name?"

"Uchiha Sasuke."

"Goodbye Hitori. I will see you in the exams." The red head mumbled to me, turning and jumping off with the other two. I could feel Naruto staring at me when Gaara had mentioned my name. I'm going to have to explain to him, and the rest of them.

I have a horrible song stuck in my head. I hate my retarded friends. Anyway, I hope this chapter was better than the last one. Bye.

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