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I walked through the doors of the hospital, going to Lee's room once again. I opened he door, stepping in front of the sand that was going towards my friends. Gaara stopped all movements and stared at me. The sand fell to the ground and he continued to stare. I began walking towards him, patting his head. He met my gaze and stared up at me.

"Why...." he mumbled. I tilted my head.

"Why what?" I asked, motioning for him to continue his sentence.

"Why do you...." he started, before gripping his hair. He was looking at the floor, a lost expression on his face. I sighed, gripping his shoulder and teleporting us.

"Gaara." I called him, both my hands on his shoulders now. He looked up at me, his eyes looking for something. "Gaara. I am your friend. There is nothing I am asking of you. I am your friend. Shukaku, I will kill you if you continue to mess up his thoughts."

After I had growled out those words, the voice of the tailed beast had silenced. I do not know if I could kill him, but I could seal him into a tree so he could not bother anyone. I removed my hands from Gaara and smiled at him, to which he returned.

"Thank you." He mumbled, looking to the side. I hummed a reply and looked around.

"Do you know where we are?" I asked. He facepalmed and shook his head at me.

"You are an idiot sometimes." He grumbled. He took hold of my hand and before we teleported, a familiar voice called my name. I looked for it and spotted Kakashi. He was waving but he looked at my hand and his eye hardened. I looked down at it and just saw Gaara holding it. I don't see what's wrong.

I waved back and started walking, pulling Gaara with me. Before I could reach Kakashi I was teleported to a different scenery. I blinked and looked back at he red head. He was looking the other way, his arms crossed. I shrugged.

"Well, I have to go. Unless you want me to walk you back." I said as I started walking. He met my pace so I'm guessing that was a yes. As we walked, there was a comfortable silence around us. We stopped at his building, it already being dark, and said our goodbyes. I started walking again.

Suddenly, my stomach growled and I stood there for a while. I turned around and set my gaze upon the ramen shop. I went through the opening and saw Naruto already sitting there, eating a huge bowl that was filled with different things. The lady turned to me and smiled, I smiled back.

"Can I have a miso ramen?" I asked, leaning on my hand. She nodded and turned to the older man to saw my order.

"MMPH!" I looked to the side to see Naruto staring at me. He slurped up the noodles in his mouth and pointed his chop sticks at me. "Where have you been!? I haven't seen you since this morning!!" He shouted.

"I've been somewhere. I honestly don't know where I was." I said, thinking back to the place we had teleported to. What even happened?

"I've been sleeping for THREE DAYS!! The main fights are TOMORROW!" The blonde shouted, throwing his arms around and eating more noodles. "You should have woke me up!!"

"You needed rest. There is no reason to go if you have no chakra to fight with." I mentioned. The bowl was placed in front of me and I broke the chopsticks apart.

He sighed and finished off his bowl, ordering a regular one. I finished off mine and he finished his fourth, not counting the first one. I put the money on the table to pay for both of us and started walking out. Naruto caught up to me and we walked down the street together. When we got to his house, I started walking away but his hand grabbed onto my sleeve. I turned back and he let go of me. He scratched the back of his head, nervously as a red color took over his tanned cheeks.

"H-hey can you stay? Y-you can't sleep w-without me a-anyway...." he mumbled.

"Ok." I said before he pulled me by the hand into his house. As soon as we were laying down he passed out. I was holding him around the waist and my eyes started closing. Tomorrow is going to be a full moon. I'm going to have to be ready...for...for Shukaku.

--- m o r n i n g ---

Waking up to being suffocated was not how I had imagined the morning to be. He was squeezing me in a hug and I ripped him off of me, taking in a deep breath.

"Hitori! HITORI IM SO LATE! It's your fault for being so comfortable!!" He yelled, pulling on his clothes. That reminds me, I haven't had any weapons on he for a while. I don't have my pouch or my katana. I only had to remove my vest. I put the vest back on and patted his head. He was hyperventilating in the middle of the room, talking to himself with fast words.

"Calm down. You're going to be fine. In he fight you'll be fine. Getting there will be fine. You are strong. You'll make it." I said. It seemed to calm him down and he just leaned on me. "You should probably get going now."

"OH RIGHT!" He ran out the door. I walked out and saw the fireworks go off. He was only a few meters in front of me and I could see him start freaking out again. He suddenly stopped and looked at someone in a path way between two fences. It was Konohamaru. I watched them as all of Konohamaru's plans backfired on them. Naruto ended up getting chased by bulls through the whole village. I walked into the arena where the matches were going to take place and took a seat. All the others were here besides Sasuke and Naruto. I've heard that sound ninja was killed.

Naruto came sliding to a halt, yelling about the bulls. He was silenced and the blonde finally noticed the crowed in the stands. I waved to him and he put both of his hands in the air to show he noticed me. Shikamaru, Kankuro and Temari all waved to me too, and I smiled. I didn't think I'd be that noticeable in this crowd.

Yea. Hinata doesn't get to say anything to him. Only you do. Or Hitori. Whoever the fuck. Naruto and Hinata are going to have a brother sister relationship, because I'm not going to do that to Hinata. She did nothing wrong.

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