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Naruto tugged me along to the hospital and when we got inside he was told to calm down by one of the nurses. He walked through the halls to Sasuke's room  first, seeing Tsunade walking in. The blonde cheered and they ran through the door frame. He finally let my hand go end went up to Sakura.

"Sakura! Sakura! Everything will be fine. Me and Hitori brought an amazing person here." He said, grinning. "Sasuke will be perfectly fine!"

She stared at us, whispering something before turning to Tsunade. "Guy-sensei told me about it...please help Sasuke."

"Yea leave it to me." Tsunade said, giving a closed eye smile to Sakura, turning back to Sasuke.

She looked at him for a while before putting a hand above his forehead. We watched for a few seconds before Sasuke had opened his eyes. He looked dazed and tired. Naruto and Sasuke cheered and Sakura hugged him while Sasuke still looked a little distant. He blinked a few times before his eyes slowly set on me. I smiled and my vision from him was cut off when Naruto hugged me, talking about Tsunade actually working.

I looked up and met with tsunade's gaze. She had a smirk and was looking at Naruto and me weirdly. The younger blonde finally pulled away from me and walked out the door. "Next, next!" He called out from down the hall.

Everyone but Sakura and Sasuke left the room. Next was Kakashi. It was quicker than Sasuke, and while Tsunade was talking down to Kakashi, Guy was anxiously waiting. He was holding on to the curtain with gritted teeth as he stared at us talking to the silver haired man.

"Alright, now to Bushy Brows!" Naruto said, raising his hand. Guy let go of the curtain and took the place next to Naruto.

"Please hurry up and take care of him!" Guy said, motioning is out the door. He ran out and we went after him, not going nearly as fast. We eventually made it to a dim hall with footsteps coming our way. We looked through it and spotted Lee. "Tsunade-Sama is here!"

Tsunade seemed to be analyzing him. To see if he can be healed in guessing. "Is that your pupil?" She asked.

"That's right!" He held his fists up in a dramatic sense. "He is my very dear and favorite pupil." I wonder how the rest of his team feels about that. Maybe they already know, it was quite obvious.

"I see." She muttered. "Naruto. Are you sure you should be here? Shouldn't you be doing something?"

"Oh yeah! I have to meet up with Iruka-sensei at the ramen shop!" Naruto said, sprinting down the hallway. He appeared seconds later, walking backwards, and looked at me.

I shook my head no and he slumped, walking back out. I heard Tsunade chuckle behind me. I turned back to them and walked back to Lee's room. Once we got there, he took off the top part of his jumpsuit and sat on a stool I had pulled out for him. Tsunade placed a hand on his back, doing something. I don't really know.

"Not to be rude, but you should quit being a ninja." I blinked, furrowing my eyebrows at the statement. I looked at her face, searching for a sign that she wasn't serious. Nothing.

"T-Tsunade-Sama, he doesn't need any of those jokes." Guy said, a nervous smile on his face.

"There are numerous bone fragments along the spinal canal. On top of that, their deeply imbedded. You're in no shape to carry out missions as a ninja." Tsunade explained. Guy stepped forward.

"Therefore, Tsunade-sama, please stop the joke." Guy said, the same nervous smile on his face. Sweat started forming on his face.

"Even if you do go through the surgery..." Tsunade started, only to get cut of by Guy.

"Don't listen to her lies, Lee!" He shouted. He pointed at her with a comical face. "That's a fake Tsunade-sama. You must've transformed into her with the transformation technique! Who the hell are you?!"

"....are there any other options?" Lee asked in a strangely quiet voice.

Tsunade started talking about the surgery, but I could only think about all of this. Even if the surgery does go well once it's done, but doesn't tallow him to move right, Lee will force his body to move. If he could use ninjutsu it wouldn't be that much of a problem. And if it doesn't go well, he'll die. But he won't die because if bring him back. I snapped back from my thoughts and realized that Lee was leaving. I walked out with him and took his crutch's place.

"You should do it." I suddenly said. He looked to me with raised brows.

"But...but I could die!" He shouted, almost falling. I caught him before he could hit the floor.

"Yea, I know that but I have a way to save you from dying if it really comes down to it." I said.

"I...I don't know. I'll think about it." He said in reply. I nodded. Eventually we made it back to his room and everyone was already gone. He smiled at me once I laid him down in his hospital bed. I was about to walk out when he called for me. "Thanks. For being here. And helping me. Even if it's already dark out."

I nodded to him and he waved as I walked out. I walked trough the halls, almost getting lost, before I found Sasuke's room again. I walked in to see him staring at the ceiling. At the sound of the door opening he turned his head and looked at me. A smile appeared on his lips and he slowly sat up. I walked over to him and he reached his arms out. I hugged him around the waist with my chin laying on his shoulder while he placed his face in the crook of my neck. We stayed like that for a while until he finally pulled away, sitting back on his bed since he found his way to his feet while we were hugging.

"It's...it's nice to see you again." He mumbled. I nodded at him. "You know, its past visiting hours." I facepalmed and he laughed at me. He seemed to think for a bit before he stood up slowly and made his way to me, standing only inches in front of me. "Hey...uh, can-can you take my first kiss now?" He asked, looking away from me and scratching his neck. There was a red color on his cheeks and he continued to look away.

I shrugged to myself and grasped his jaw, turning his face toward me. He face turned a darker red. I leaned down and placed my lips onto his. He pushed his lips back against mine and he wrapped his arms around my neck. Our lips moved against each other and he pushed himself against me. The door suddenly opened and Sasuke let me go, falling backwards. I looked back to see who opened the door and saw a female nurse, holding a clip boards to her chest with a bright red covering her face. She suddenly squealed and giggled.

"That was the best thing I've ever seen! I'm going to go tell everyone!" She shouted before running out. I blinked. I looked back at Sasuke, who was covering his face with his hands.

"B-bye." He mumbled. I shrugged and walked out. A hand grabbed mine before I could leave, and I turned back. Sasuke leaned up and pecked my lips and then shoved me out of the room. I walked off.

Both genders are confusing now.

Sasuke wants the D. *cough* anyway, I would have updated earlier, but some shit happened. Bye

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