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I grunted as I hit the floor. I blinked, sitting up, not knowing I fell asleep in the first place. I looked back at my bed, seeing my one and only friend; Naruto. He was looking down to me with a bright red face. Hm, I wonder what makes him have a red color. Maybe I should ask him, he might have a cold. I broke myself out of my mind and focused back on him. He was still staring at me with wide eyes.

"What were you doing in my bed?!" He yelled, pointing a finger at me. He does do that a lot.

"This is my bed. You fell asleep waiting for me outside my door so I took you in. I thought it would be alright if we sleep in the same bed. Is that a bad thing?" I questioned. I do not understand why he is so frustrated. That is the emotion I am reading. I may be wrong.

"You just scared me!" He shouted, his hands gripping his hair. He did not answer my question.

"Did I do anything while I was asleep? I may have disturbed you." I asked, wondering if I really did sleep all night.

"No...y-you just...when I woke up...you were hugging me...from behind..a-and your face was in my neck." He mumbled, showing a drastic change in his volume. He was not being clear the whole way through like he usually is. He is also turned away from me, not letting me see most of his face.

"Well, I actually slept so you must be the reason I can. I will need to find out why soon so I can sleep without you in my bed, since that makes you unusual." I said, nodding to myself.

This would be different.  Sleeping normally. Actually, up until now, I don't think I have recognized Naruto's maturity. He can be very knowing in certain situations, while in others he will act like any other our age. The world has made him grow up faster than he should, I suppose. The same thing happened to me. And that boy from the other day. He had a dark aura around him, and I do not think anyone had noticed. He was the exact opposite of Naruto. He was harder to read, less open about his emotions. Something bad has happened, and it has taken an impact on him and his life. I wonder if that is the reason for insane people. Keeping emotions hidden. I will not go insane because I do not keep emotions in, I simply don't know how to use them.

"Oh no! I have the academy!!" He shouted, running out the door since he had his usual clothes on for it. He always finds a way to interrupt my thoughts. It's a good thing, I might have been here all day if he didn't. I tend to get stuck in my head sometimes.

Yesterday I was told that this 'academy' was for learning-to-be ninjas. The rumors about the blonde and the horrible comments filled my ears too yesterday. It's a shame. He is a good person from what I've seen. Nothing had proved me otherwise. I have also heard that there is no academy on certain days. Today is one of them. I believe it is because the teacher had something to do.

I stood up and walked into the bathroom, only taking about 8 minutes this time since I had learned all of the handles and soaps. Heading out of my house, not bothering to take my weapons or my vest, I just strolled through the streets with nothing to do. I heard something fall behind me, so I turned my head, seeing a group of girls looking at me. That is also another thing I still do not understand; girls. They confuse me to no end. Why do they stare at me? When will they attack? What is the emotion behind those stares? I have too many questions about them. As soon as they saw me looking, they all hid behind the wall. Why? I need to stop questioning women or my head will start to hurt. Maybe I might find a book on them.

After I took some sharp turns I couldn't feel their chakra. I ended up by a river sort of thing. I sensed a chakra near. I looked around, spotting the same boy from the tomato stand sitting on the dock. Sliding down the hill, I walked up to him. He had the same aura from yesterday. He didn't seem to notice me. I walked next to him and sat down, looking at him. He was staring at the water but I am sure he has noticed me now.

"Hello." I greeted, still facing him. His head turned to me and his eyes widened, I'm sure he was thinking I was someone else.

"I thought it would be one of those fangirls..." he mumbled. He didn't seem fond of these 'fangirls'.

"I am Hitori Janai. Who are you?" I asked him. This would be a good way to use my time. Naruto has left and it would be a good thing to make a new friend. Companion.

"....why are you here? I don't need your pity." He said, turning his head the other way. So something has happened to him.

"I do not know what I would be pitying you about. I am new here." I stated, making his head turned to me.

"...everyone has heard of it. Were you living under a rock?" He asked, not pleased with me.

I turned my head to face forward. I was born in a small house. My parents were very nice. They would play with me and I was happy. For sure. That man came and killed them one day...taking me right after to the cell. I have buried those memories deep down, so I wouldn't go crazy in the cell all alone. That is the reason why I don't remember emotions, they never taught me and I almost forgot those memories. I can only see flashes. I think I was living under a rock after that. Since I was in an underground cell, and there was a rock covering the entrance. It was like a door. I suppose I actually was raised under a rock. I blinked, returning to reality. I turned back to him.

"Yes." I blurted after thinking about my answer.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked, his eyebrows scrunching together.

"I was taken, put in a cell underground, and didn't come out till only days ago." I said, not giving the whole story. I think that is good. "What about you?"

"My parents were killed in front of me by my...by m-my brother." He mumbled, looking at his clenched hands. So that is his back story. I have not read yet on how to comfort people but I think I could do the thing Naruto did to me.

Before I could move, the stranger had already put his arms around me. I did the same to him. My shirt is getting wet. Those are tears, I am sure, of sadness. He had been keeping this in, like I had suspected. He had no one who could understand him, I think Naruto would be a good friend for him. Naruto didn't have parents...but they are both alone. This was a weird position for this. I stood up and he did too. His arms got a better grip on me and he continued to cry. I don't think he had enough time to build up his walls, his emotional walls, before he met me today. He is still a child, and it is harder for us to keep in emotions. Does this make us friends?

He finally pulled back from me, sipping his eyes. He smiled up at me, since I was a bit taller, his eyes slightly puffy. It must have been a long time since he had let his emotions show because his face was turning a red color. I thought back to the way my face was before I relaxed my face when Naruto pointed it out, and I smiled back at him.

"I'm sasuke. Sasuke Uchiha." He finally said back, his voice not nearly as hard as it was before.

"It is nice to meet you. Are we friends now?" I asked. He laughed lightly and nodded at me. I nodded back. It is much easier to smile than I thought it would be. How do I always seem to not pay attention to the time? It's already dark outside. How long have I talked to this male? "I must be going. I suggest the same for you."

He looked around and seemed startled, looking back at me with a final smile before taking off.

This was the only way for him to be close friends with sasuke. It had just happened recently so he didn't have three/four years to build up his wall from everyone. He is still a kid, and kids are easier to talk to and get past. Especially since Hitori is also the same age with a worse past. So it would be even easier to get to sasuke. Get it? Yea.

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