53- End

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1 week later...

"Tsunade, may I leave?" I asked. I've finally had the chance to ask her after the mission with Lee. for some reason, he is really attached to me now. It's strange because  he would usually be doing this to Sakura not to long ago. He doesn't really pay much attention to her now unless she speaks first.

"Well, you can leave this room obviously." She said, motioning to the door and then going back to the book on her desk. I sighed. This is not going to be as easy as I thought.

"I meant, leave the village. I'll return. There is no reason for me to go against this village unless I hear something from one of my friends." I said. She chuckled and wiped sweat from her brow.

"I'm sure none of them would do that...." she started, before thinking about something.

"Then there is no reason for me not to go. Over the time I am gone I will train just like Sasuke and soon Naruto too." I said. She thought about it for a while before slowly nodding.

"When you come back, be sure to help out with the village. I'm sure we'll need you more than you know." She said. "Oh, and can you gather the rookie nine in here? I'd like to have a word with them....minus Sasuke."

"Ok." I said, taking off after that. It took a while to gather them all but I did and I left the room as soon as I could. I had not told any of them because I know something unnecessary will happen. It'll most likely be fine. Maybe.

I walked into my house, for maybe the last time in a while. I put on my katana for once and put on my weapons pouch. I haven't really had these with me. I guess...I could give it to someone. Or maybe I should keep it because I bought this. I'll just drop it off at haku's hideout. I'm sure he'll be fine with it. He offered last time too. I shrugged it off for later and grabbed a bag to put some essentials in. Wasn't too much, I'll be able to get more things and refill from time to time when I wander into villages.

I slung the back over my shoulder and walked out of the door, before turning back and looking around. I'm going to leave the room that it all started in. I sighed and spun on my heel, walking away. As I walked through the village, I grabbed some food and ate some while walking. I hadn't eaten yet and it would be stupid to go out hungry. It's not like I don't have money but the nearest village is a far way from here. I reached the gate and almost stepped out of the village grounds before I was tackled. I fell forward and stopped myself with my forearms. I rolled over and looked at the person a foot away from me. Lee. I looked farther down the dirt road where a dust cloud was. It was Naruto and Kiba. They jumped, heading straight for me until I shuffled to the side, making them face-plant the ground. I looked back and spotted the rest of the people I gathered for Tsunade along with team 8.

Before I could say anything, Kiba grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and shook me back and forth. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" He shouted in my face, still shaking me. Kiba was ripped away from me a Naruto took his place.

"Yea! Tsunade told us everything!" He shouted, throwing his hands in the air. "I can't believe you!! You were just gonna leave us?!"

"....I told her to tell you after I left..." I mumbled. I fist hit the top of my head and I rubbed it, looking up and meeting Sakura's unforgiving eyes of fire. I blinked.

"I would have died if you left unannounced! I would have thought it would have been another Sasuke situation!" She said, glaring down at me. I shrugged. Ino came hurdling into me and started sobbing into my neck.

"I'm going to miss you so much!! Come back soon!" She shouted. I slowly nodded and she hopped up to her feet and held out a hand to me. I took it and pushed myself up with her pulled me to my feet. I smiled at her and she turned red before looking away from me.

Who would have guessed? (Seme!male!reader X Naruto various)Where stories live. Discover now