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Once we had finally set off down the bridge so we could all go home I walked at the side, looking at the water. I felt someone stroll next to me, seeing that it was the blonde, Naruto.

"It's sad that good people like that are dead." He said, leaning in his hand.

"Let me tell you a little secret Naruto. Don't tell kakashi or anyone." I said, moving closer to him. He turned a little red before nodding to me. "They are alive."

"WHA-" he stopped himself from yelling by slapping a hand over his mouth. He leaned in to me. "What?!" He whisper shouted.

"I revived them. With my Kekkie Genkai." I whispered. "I also got kissed by Haku but that's not very important."

As soon as I said that he grabbed me by the shoulders. "HE DID WHAT?!" He shouted. Sasuke and Sakura looked at us, along with kakashi who was walking a little farther away.

"What's going on over here?" Sakura asked, hands on her hips as she walked to us.

"Someone kissed Hitori while we were there!!!" Naruto shouted, shaking her now. She fell onto the floor and her eye twitched.

"Someone what?!" She screeched, flailing her arms around. I held a hand out to her and she grabbed it to stand up. "I was going to be your first kiss!!"

"Well, you could have. I wouldn't have minded. I would have known what to do." I said. She turned red and fainted. Before I could do anything about her I was smacked in the back of the head. I turned to see that it was Sasuke.

"You went and kissed someone?" He asked, his eye twitching madly.

"Well I suppose they kissed me but I pressed my lips back. So I did kiss someone." I said, putting a hand under my chin in thought. He facepalmed and so did Naruto. "It doesn't matter, I can simply be your first kisses."

Me and kakashi were the only ones conscious after that. I was going to help them but kakashi said that they are fine.  I sighed and threw Sasuke on my back while I carried Naruto in front of me by putting my arm under his knees and supporting his back. I believe it's called bridal style.

Kakashi picked Sakura up and laughed at me as we began walking. "Why don't you let me carry one of them?" He asked.

"Because they are light and my friends. I don't Sakura too much." I said. He nodded and looked forward again. We entered the forest and I realized just how long it is going to take us to get there.

"Hitori, we haven't talked in a while. Not since the lag time we trained. How are you?" The silver haired man next to me said, trying to act aloof. That is quite strange.

"I'm fine. I am living and breathing. What about you?" I asked, still looking forward.

"I'm ok." He said. We continued to talk the whole way there. It was faster than I thought it would be because the other three weren't lagging behind. I mean, we are jumping from tree to tree and moving three times faster than last time, even with the people we are carrying.

"It was nice speaking to you Kakashi." I said, walking with the now conscious Sasuke and Naruto. He nodded and we gave the mission report to the hokage.

While we were standing there with Kakashi speaking to the hokage, I heard them mention another mission. A D-rank mission. I was about to walk out when I was grabbed my the shoulder. I looked back and saw Kakashi smiling his closed eye smile at me.

"You are helping us with this one. Hokage's orders." He said cheerfully. I sighed and nodded.

He released my shoulder and we all walked out. Naruto was complaining about being a real ninja and not a babysitter, Sasuke was glaring at the floor, and Sakura was calm about it. She must like children. Or at least be ok with them. Kakashi was neutral about the situation and continued to read his book. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at it. I've never seen what that book was about. I slowed down so I was standing behind him and looked at the words on the page. That's....strange. I tapped on kakashi's shoulder and he looked down towards me.

"Why are you reading a book about human sexua-" he quickly covered my mouth as his ears turned red.

"Shhh, it's nothing. Just keep walking." He said, putting his hand on my back and pushing me forward. I slowly complied to his wishes and walked forward again.

"Hitori, are you going to stay in our group for this low mission? It's gonna be super boring." Naruto groaned and leaned on my shoulder. I nodded.

"Of course. Do you not want me here?" I asked. He shook his head and waved his hands around.

"No no no! It's just that you're really strong and you shouldn't really have to do this." He said, a nervous smile on his face. I blinked and shrugged.

An arm wrapped around my left one and looked to see Sasuke had took hold of my arm. He was still looking forward like nothing was happening. Naruto started growling and he grabbed my arm too. I sighed as I was lightly tugged back and forth between them. Again, I heard kakashi laughing at me along with Sakura.

Finally we made it to the woman's house. She was standing in the front of it with three children next to her. She smiled when her eyes had landed on us. We stopped in front of her and she giggled when she had looked at me and my situation. Apparently this is amusing to people.

"Ok, I have to go to my mother's house across the village and I needed someone to watch the kids. For a night. Thank you!" She said, already walking away. I took my eyes from her and to her children. One was about three years old, male. The other was a girl, seven years old. And the last one was a boy, around the age of 11.

"Alright then. Let's go inside." Kakashi mumbled, putting his book away and walking through the front door. I pulled away from the two males clinging to my arms and walked in too. As soon as I sat down the girl had jumped onto me.

"Hello there! You're really cute! Did you know that?! Of course you did! I'm Shaya but you can call me Shay! I'm eight years old and I'm super cool with you being my boy friend! I'm so glad you were the one to look after us! I-" a gloved hand covered her mouth and she was taken from on top of me. Kakashi chuckled uneasily and took her out of the room as she kept talking into his hand and waving at me.

"Sheesh. She's crazy." Sasuke mumbled. I nodded.

"I don't understand why my mom made you people watch us. I'm totally capable." The oldest one said, crossing his arms.

"HA! I doubt it kid. We're ninja and we are the best ones!" Naruto said, smirking and jabbing his chest with his thumb.

"Please. I'm training in the academy too. Your basically equal to me." The kid said, looking at Naruto plainly.

"Why you-! I should show you just how awesome I am!" The blonde shouted. I grabbed his arm before he could lunge at the boy.

"Control is something that is also a big thing in being a ninja." I said. Naruto slowly calmed down and took a seat on the left side of me since Sasuke had took the other spot. Sakura was across from us in a single seat, just watching all of this.

The three year old was sitting in her lap so I guess it was a good thing. I threw a kunia near the oldest kid's hand as he was trying to leave the house. "Just because you think that you should be in charge doesn't mean you should leave." I said, looking at him. He was staring at the knife lodged into the door. He slowly backed away and nodded, sitting on the couch with us. I have a feeling it's going to go more smoothly now.

Yea I don't know. It's just fluff because I can. And I had no idea what to write. Next chapter will be better since this one was crap

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