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As soon as they were out of sight a hand grabbed me and spun me around so I was facing Naruto. "How does that group know you?! What have you been doing with out us?!" Naruto asked, throwing his hands around.

"I met them while on a mission." I said, beginning to walk away. There were three other people in the tree, and they weren't very weak. They didn't attack first so it wouldn't be a good idea for me to attack them.

A bird flew above my head and I sighed. Seems like the hokage needs me now. I teleported to his office. He was smoking his pipe like usual and multiple people were leaving the room. He must have been having a meeting. Maybe for the participants of the Chunin Selection Exam. He took the pipe from his mouth and puffed out some smoke.

"I have another mission for you. First, I need to give you this." He took a paper from his desk and held it out in my direction. I walked forward and took it, seeing that they had put me into the Exam. The paper was an applicant for it and it had my name on top. "I need you to go to the woods and look for any people who may have gotten lost why making it here. There are lots of people coming for the Exam."

I nodded and teleported to the gates. As soon as I was outside of the gates a guy showed up. He had strange clothing and the exact same chakra as Iruka. He started talking but I only shook my head and punched him into a tree. He had some girl in his hands and her mouth was gagged. I took it from her mouth and she started thanking me. She finally left and ignored Iruka's twitching body. Once I had patrolled the area around the walls of the village, I had saw a kunia fly past. There were three chakra signatures.

"Hello." I said, seeing that it was TenTen, Neji, and Rock Lee again. Neji was sitting under a dummy and lee was standing next to the same one while TenTen threw kunia at the target. She isn't getting bull's eye.

"Oh hello there! Long time no see!" TenTen said, a smile on her face. I nodded and grabbed one of the kunia, throwing it at bull's eye.

"Please hit it every time. It is quite irritating when you set it up and don't aim for it." I said. She slowly nodded, staring at the kunia that had gone through the dummy's heart and to the tree.

"I've seen you around with kakashi's unit! Please give me information on them!" Lee said in his naturally loud voice.

"No, they are my friends, and if you go after them, I will kill all of you." I said, smiling. Each of them inched away immediately after I uttered this words. "I will offer to help you train, though."

Lee instantly jumped forward at those words. He held his hands together and got on two knees in front of me. "Please train with me! IT WOULD BE SO YOUTHFUL!" He shouted.

"Ok." I said. He pulled me by the hand to a clearing and got into a fighting stance. "You only use taijutsu correct?"

He nodded. I slid into my stance and motioned for him to make the first move. He had good speed, and it showed with each of his kicks and punches. I blocked or dodged each of them and finally grabbed the ankle of his foot he used to try and kick me, and flipped him over me to slam him onto the ground. He groaned before rolling into his front side to push himself up. I used chakra strings to stop all his movements.

"I train with kakashi's unit too, but not as hard." I said. He tried to move again but I kept him in place. "You have to see if you can get past people using ninjutsu on you."

He nodded. I let him go and felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned my whole body around and met eyes with Neji. He seemed to be thinking something over. He opened his mouth before closing it again and continuing this for a while.

"JUST KISS HIM!" Temari shouted in the background. He turned red and glared at her. She giggled and continued to practice her throwing skills.

"I was going to ask if you could train with me." He said calmly. I smiled and nodded. His red face started to turn to its regular pale color.

I again slid into my stance, watching him do the same. He activated his clan's power and narrowed his eyes. He lunged at me and tried to target my chakra points. I blocked him by pushing his extended arms in another direction. He grunted in frustration as the process repeated itself. I targeted one of his points and he blocked, twisting his body around to try and hit my back.

I dropped to the floor and kicked at his feet, making him trip. He was about to get up until I put a kunia to his throat. He released his Byakuugan and laid on the floor in defeat. I stood and held a hand to him. Neji took it and let me pull him to his feet.

"I believe I have gotten you guys to train harder for the exam that I will also be in." I said. Their eyes widened and they looked at each other. "I will be on a one man team. I wish you all luck."

As I was walking away I heard TenTen mumble something. It sounded like 'yea we need it'. I wonder what she meant. I walked to my house and made it to the front door until I was tackled by a blonde who straddled me as I sat on the floor. Naruto of course. I honestly don't know of too much blondes that would actually tackle me other than him.

"Hitori! Hitori! I got into the Chunin Exams!" He shouted excitedly as he took out his application to prove it to me. I smiled and nodded, making him grin right back at me.

"That's great. I hope we don't have to fight, because I am entered too." I said, smiling. He groaned and put his face in my chest, looking like he just gave up. "What is it?"

"Gaaahhh....why did ya have to join Hitoriiiiii? I could've been at the top!" He groaned into my chest. I sighed and just picked him up and walked into my house. I want to sleep. "Am I sleeping here tonight then?"

I just nodded and he accepted it. I put him in my bed and climbed in too, falling asleep with the already snoring Naruto.

Yea, I'm bored as always. I should have gone to detention all week but I didn't, I have a life unlike the teachers who want to stay with the kids they already hate. Seriously what is wrong with them?

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