Forced Alliance, Iscariot Comes Out

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A.N: People, I have a contest for you. If anyone who reads this story, before I reveal who it is, can guess who the mysterious boy working for Makube is, you will get to have direct creative input on this story. This contest will last until February 15. Message me however you see fit and tell me who you think it is.
Heinkel looked back at the boy following her at her heels. She knew he was a bit of a special child to Makube, but she still didn't think he should be involved. He was a revolutionaries son, a boy born to cause nothing but war and battle. Yet Makube had strong armed her to bringing him along, claiming he would be of great use. He had better be right, she didn't feel like dragging his corpse home.

"Calm down girl. I am here to give you a home" Alucard effortlessly side stepped the vectors as they lashed out at him, "I don't need one" she replied bitterly as you followed, worried for both of them. "Kaede stop" you grabbed her shoulder, then felt a sickening crunch as her vectors shoved your arm back, wrenching it out of the socket. Grunting you stepped back, shocked at her behavior. Kaedes breath caught in her throat as she realized what she had done to you, spinning around And looking at you "(F/N) I'm so so sorry" she tried to help, only for the man to stop her "Allow me." She looked at him, still not trusting him, but also not having a choice. "Fine"

"You see them?" Heinkel asked the Rodriguez boy as he swept the distant town with his binoculars. "Nothing. I doubt we will find a trace until we are in the city." Placing them away he leaned back in his seat as they rode the stolen car into town. Her foot pressed down hard on the pedal.

The boy grunted and groan in pain as the man set his shoulder back in place, but the pain faded rapidly as Alucard exerted some of his power to speed the healing process. After almost ten minutes of this slow and tedious process he stood back up, and felt eyes on him "Here. Use my phone and call the number on it. Tell them Alucard has finished his objective." Tossing the phone to the girl she caught it, clearly unsure of it. "Do it or we are all at risk of being killed." He turned, drawing his pistol back out as he felt the eyes shift their focus.

"Once I get this bastards attention you get in there and gun them all down with that rifle of yours." Heinkel aimed carefully from the top of the tall tower, aiming right for the vampires head.

Rodriguez flew with his wing suit, something he had always loved learning with his father, that and using his high power explosives. Smiling he sped along the skyline, closing in as he raced his current partner, wanting to arrive before the bullet.

"Come on Kaede we don't have a choice." Grabbing it you flipped open the phone and dialed the number. "Yes Alucard?" Came the woman's voice "Alucard has finished his objective." A chuckle, followed by an order given out of earshot "Your in good hands, expect an evacuation in three minutes."

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