Shocking Heiritage: Vampire Child

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A.N: Dear god this photo was such a bitch. I had to screenshot the aftermath scene from OVA 10 and then crop it. Google images you finally failed me with this. Any ways enough of my whining, let's get on with the story.
You and Kaede looked around the luxurious jetliner, having never seen anything so expensive. "Where are we going?" You asked again, still not paying attention, and Alucard noticed.  You were hit over the head to get your attention "The Hellsing Manor. In England" you nodded, showing you understood, startled by the strike. Taking your own seats Alucard and Seras headed into the pilots cabin. "Manor? Sounds rich" You smiled at Kaede, who looked like she was thinking "Why are they taking us there? What could they want us for." You shrugged "Maybe your invisible arms, they are pretty cool after all." She smiled at the compliment, and perked up a bit. "Maybe. But why you too?" You smiled shrugging "My winning personality?" She laughed "Your vampirism" Alucard corrected. You both fell silent and looked at him "My what?" You had never even heard of vampires up to this point, not really receiving a good education at the orphanage. "Your a vampire. By heritage only, but still a vampire."

It had been almost twelve hours since you had discovered your rather shocking heritage. Now you were both in a limousine bound for the Hellsing Manor. You were looking at the ground, not looking up as the limo drove on, lost in thought as Kaede watched you. "Are you OK (F/N)?" You shrugged, "I never knew why I was at the orphanage. I never expected I'd be a vampire, or such a high level one like Alucard said." She shrugged "At least you know now" she smiled hopefully at you. You smiled and hugged your friend, happy she could help you get over your shock.

"You must be the children Alucard spoke of?" Integra asked, seeing him lead you both inside the vast room she sat in. "Yes?" You asked, clearly cautious of your new surroundings. Gesturing you in she had you both sit at her desk "I have heard only great things about your ability. None of it exaggerated. Do you want to say anything for yourselves." Looking between yourselves and then back at her you replied "No ma'am." She smiled "Well. In that case, you have seen this mansion for yourselves. Would you like to stay? Maybe even work for us when your older?" Both of you thought about it, a future of luxury, and a chance to return the favor? Why not, "Yes ma'am."

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