Fiery Aftermath: Regroup

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Muffled by the water it took Drago a moment to hear the voices calling to him from the surface. Swimming up now he felt hands grab his arms, pulling him up onto the boat, "Take me to Makube. I need to talk to him, now." Not daring to question him the driver put it in gear, headed straight for the shoreline. Glancing back the Drago tried not to imagine all the people lost.

Growling in defeat you swam to what was left of the oil rig now. Dragging yourself onto the grating that served as a dock you half laid, half floated. Sighing you sat up, trying to find Lucy anywhere. "That was too close." Springing to your feet you saw her standing there, barely scathed, her clothing tattered slightly. Slowing your breathing you hugged her, beyond relieved. "Your hugging a little to tight" pushing you away slightly she stepped back, smiling. "What the hell was that he shot." Glancing up at the flaming ruins you tried to imagine how one weapon could be like a small nuke. The weapon had barely missed you, slamming into the main oil pipe, causing it to explode in addition to the nuclear explosion. " the hell did you make it out?" Looking at Lucy you looked her over. "My vectors kept me from getting hit with the shrapnel, and the force from the explosion only sent me into the water." Unable to believe her luck you sighed. Sitting on the platform again you groaned "We don't have any way to leave. Goddammit." Sitting beside you she leaned against you, "For what it's worth. We can have a little peace and quiet for the first time in months." Smiling at you she patted your shoulder. "I'd rather it be in a bed, with a nice nap." Smiling you leaned against her as well.

"Makube!!" Slamming open the door the Drago stormed into his office. "What. The. Hell?" Makube turned and looked at him, fully composed, a look of neutrality on his face. "What?" Stepping right up to the dark, smooth, polished desk. Makube smiled as he realized why he was here. "Judgment call. Those men will be mourned for sure, but don't despair. They-" cutting him off Drago slammed his fists into the desk "They were men who entirely devoted themselves to you, and you left them to burn just because it suited your needs." Leaning into his seat Makube chuckled softly "Just as you have my boy. Countless times. You try to have the moral high ground here boy, but you are the one who pulled that trigger." Growling the Drago lunged for Makube's throat, only for his arm to be slammed into the table. Looking to the unknown attacker, he growled as he saw Heinkel. Shaking her off he stepped back into the center. "Go to hell. Both of you." And stormed out without another word.

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