Arrival in Medici: Dual Attack

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A.N: So the last chapter was sort of a set up to a more close relationship since unlike any other story I've done with the sort of childhood friend scenario on here, they didn't get separated.
Sitting across from Lucy you never looked up, trying to keep her out of her mind. Ever since Alucard had told you what he did, you were unable to stop thinking about her, you almost felt like a stalker for thinking about her so often. Now that you finally had a job to do though, you could focus on it instead. Closing your eyes you tried to appear asleep so she wouldn't say anything.

"Deploy" opening your eyes you got up and turned, jumping out of the open door, sailing down to the blue waters below. Smiling you changed position so you'd land more favorably when you hit the oil rig. The plan was to take two oil rigs in the north now to gain a foothold for the rebels, creating a pincer between their forces in the south and you and Lucy in the north. Landing now you pancaked into the shadows that made you up. Reforming into your hellhound you howled, getting the attention of anybody who had somehow missed your landing. Growling you leapt forward, already tearing through all of the men on the platform.

Meanwhile, kilometers to the east, Lucy took the second rig in similar fashion, however she relied on cover more often. At one point using the fallen soliders guns against their living allies. Little did she know that one solider was currently radioing the situation to their Trump Card. "We are pinned down, a girl with telepathy is tearing us apart." The simple response came "I'll be there in a few minutes." Now it was a race against time, who would last longer, her or them?

Tearing through the last of the men you reformed yourself into your human form, absorbing the blood as Alucard had taught you. A click on your radio let you know your rebel contact wanted something. Responding with a gruff "What?" You felt your blood run cold with what he said. "The Drago is headed for your friends oil rig, and she's pinned down." Not bothering with responding you looked to the object on your horizon. "Dammit" you rushed forward, you hadn't done it successfully yet but to hell with it, you weren't letting her die. Trying to form wings with your shadow energy you launched across the water, only for them to falter, and then break. Forcing you to plummet into the water below.

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