The Prince Of Darkness And The Queen Of Diclonius

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A.N: So in this story, Walter is alive and didn't SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS. And the reader has their own hellhound like the one Alucard had.
Integra looked up as her butler walked in "Walter. Bring the children in here will you? I have an assignment for them" Walter shook his head "Unfortunately I can't Sir Integra. They are currently out in Wales" Integra looked closely at her butler, who was standing in the pale glow of the full moon. "What are they doing out there? I didn't send them" Walter nodded "That's the issue Sir Integra. Alucard sent them as a test of their recently developed and unlocked powers. He sent them to kill a rather vicious gang that's being led by a fledgling vampire." Growling to herself Integra had a quick mental debate with herself. On the one hand she wanted to strangle the Vampire King for not telling her about this, but at the same time agreed with him as it would be a good test of their skills. "The moment they set foot back on the property you drag their asses right back here."

Lucy walked along, the black hound at her side sniffing for any sign of the vampire. "How the hell did you lose them? Your a dog!" The dog stopped, looking up at her "Hey, you can talk shit when you try tracking a vampire used to covering his tracks down to the last fiber. Especially when he doesn't have a scent that's unique to him." As you walked away you muttered "Damn vampire smells as bad as this whole city." Sighing Lucy followed you again, another question on her mind "Then why are you still in the form of that dog? Why not turn back to normal so we can cover more ground." You shrugged, or at least gave the dog equivalent "It's easier to sneak in somewhere if your a dog. A lost dog generates a lot more sympathy than a couple teenagers asking questions would." Turning you padded off, sniffing for him again.

"Right in there" you looked at the door, waiting as the pink haired girl stepped up to see it. "Which plan do you want to do now?" She demanded, clearly sick of the mission and town. "Stealth then rip them apart. I go in, you bust the door open, and we both tear them up." Sighing Lucy turned the corner to remain out of view "OK mutt. Get going" playfully kicking your side to get you moving. Running up to the door you hopped into your hind legs, scratching against the wooden door. "Go check it out will ya? It's getting annoying" someone yelled after a solid two minutes of you scratching, hopping back you watched the door open. Revealing a man in ragged clothes, holding a revolver. Barking happily at him you ducked past and ran in, acting your best like a dog as you ran around, trying to find food. That you didn't need to fake, you were hungry as hell. "Todds, what the hell? I didn't say let the mutt in" you saw who looked like the leader stand up and walk over. Scolding this Todds, as you hopped your front paws onto the table and grabbed a steak in your jaw, tearing into it. "I didn't. It ran in when I opened the damn door." paying no heed as you ate. "Well throw it out. We aren't a chari-" he was cut off as the door seemed to explode.

"Bout damn time" you thought, ditching your harmless dog act as you expanded to twice your normal size, becoming a full hellhound. Howling loudly you let them know they were trapped between a rock and a deadly dog's jaws. Leaping forward you tore into several men before Lucy was even through the door. Biting more you watched as others seemed to be sliced in half, in reality being cut by her invisible vectors. Smiling inwardly you kept the leader in your sights as he ducked outside, sprinting away. Chasing after him your unnatural speed closing the distance. Leaping forward you shifted forms again back to your human body, grabbing him as you dropped to the ground. Quickly putting him in an arm bar like Seras had showed you, you smiled. "Gotcha bitch." Wasting no time you ripped into his throat, feeling your vampiric hunger match your normal hunger.

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