Welcome To Hell: Full Force Assault

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You and Marco walked into the flight deck of the rebel base, eyeing the jets as you passed. "Grab one and I'll join you." You walked to the computer, checking for any and all movements from the military. Seeing none and hearing a jet firing up you ran off. Jumping against the hull you instantly turned into shadows, enveloping the jet in your shadow energy. "Go. This is a small ass window before he realizes I'm making it storm there." The jet took off now, quickly building speed in the air. You spoke of the fact you had created a storm just like the one you used on Marcos convoy prison. "What are we going to do about the Bavarium launchers?" Growling you replied "Let me damn well worry about it, just fly! Goddamn." You enhanced the jet slightly, forcing it to roar to life above it's highest speed, reaching almost 300 mph.

As you approached the facility you watched all the weapons systems take aim at your jet. "Climb now." You and the jet turn straight up, flying as high as its systems could handle. "(F/N) what the actual hell are you doing?!" You laughed the same cruel laugh from the ship. "Getting us a running start." With that you turned the ship nose down into a dive.

"Come on dammit." The technician was aiming desperately at the jet, hoping to shoot it lest he face the commanders wrath. However when it turned and nose dived directly for the base he became even more frantic, firing wild now without aiming. Some shots came close to hitting but only elevated his panic as they missed by the barest of margins. Soon the jet slammed into the ground, exploding far more then any normal jet would have.

"Clear the guards and guard the elevator, I'm getting Lucy." You charged off with Marco in tow, his rifle firing nonstop. The moment you both reached the elevator you tore open the door and leapt down, slamming into the elevator. Roaring in rage you slashed at the cables, sending it zooming down to the ground level. As the smoke and dust cleared the soliders were killed in a barrage of bayonets and bullets as you called your brother forth as a familiar. Charging on ward you shot any guard that moved, headed to Lucy's cell. Soon you stood at the door, growling and leveling your pistol. There was Lucy, and a guard on top of her about to grab her. "Caxin. Tear him apart." Pulling down his face mask Caxin hissed and leapt forward, tearing apart the pervert. Walking over you tore off every restraint leaving Lucy laying there. You shook her awake and the moment she stirred you kissed her. The longing kiss of a man in love. "I missed you." You whispered to her. She whispered back. "I know. Thank God your ok" she tackled you in a hug, crying tears of joy for the first time since she had been here.

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