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"Here father" holding out your Hellsing armband, the assassin watched as the commander of Falco Maxime stepped up to him, looking over your corpse. "I said no deaths. You disobeyed me again" Paling the assassin immediately tried to remedy the issue "Father wait please you can make him a familiar. It's a far better way to convert him. This way your resources won't be wasted trying to brain wash him into a blank slate because he'll already be one for you." Silently considering what he said, Israphel agreed with what he his head that is. "Fine. However you still disobeyed me" reaching out he held his hand in front of the boys face. Screaming the boy fell to the floor, clutching his head as hundreds, no, thousands of voices filled his head, screaming, moaning, and begging for help. As quick as they came, they left. "On your feet. Go recover the girl and the Drago." Walking off the assassin did not hesitate to be gone from his master's view.

Sighing your father knelt down, looking over your face. "You look just like your mother. The insufferable bitch." Lifting back your head he leaned down, and sank his teeth into your throat, drinking until you ran dry. Leaning back he wiped his mouth off, standing and walking after the assassin.

"Father. The girl is being airlifted to the facility and the boy is being taken by convoy to the naval base as instructed." Looking at him with disdain Israphel replied "So you can follow orders." Continuing as he walked along towards the helicopter that waited for him. "Get in, we are heading out" stepping into the helicopter he did not wait for his son, who quickly leapt in as they took flight, headed for the mountain base that served as the crown military achievement in all of Medici.

Lucy woke up almost three hours later, moaning in pain from her head feeling like it was bashed in as she stirred. Opening her eyes slowly she could hardly see in the dimly lit room. Looking about she tried to see anybody, anything. Attempting to sit up now she was unable to, looking down at herself she was restrained to an experiment table. Panicking she tried to pull out of it, and force it off with her vectors. To no avail her efforts only served to tire and scare her, making her start to hyperventilate from the stress. "Stop squirming and you wouldn't be as tired." A voice calmly stated. Looking to the source of the voice she saw a man standing in the door to the room. He was pale, black haired, and had blood red eyes. If not for the fact he was not as tall as him, and his different attire, she could have easily mistaken him for Alucard. "Who the hell are you? Where am I?" She demanded, trying her best to appear intimidating despite her current state. "I'm the leader of Falco Maxime. As for where, your in a research facility for your kind. The so called next stage of evolution, the Diclonius." Growling Lucy tried to ignore the obvious insult to her. Walking closer he stopped just out of reach of her vectors, and motioned to the doorway. "Come in here. She probably wants to see you." Walking in Lucy's heart leapt with joy, and stopped in fear. There you stood, an almost glazed over look to your eyes, and a blank expression on your face. "(F/N)! Are you alright? What happened?" Lucy felt her heart almost stop as the man answered for him as you didn't seem to even acknowledge she had said anything. "Don't bother speaking to him. He's now just a mindless drone in the thousands of souls I have consumed. He only listens to me, and me alone."

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