A Symbol Of Hope Turned Agent Of Darkness

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The Medican ran quickly, wanting to escape his pursuers. Panicked he yelled "Go go go, get the helicopter going" unaware there was an aerial observer watching him run.

"I have the suspected vampire in my sights Makube. Do I kill him or bring him in to be interrogated?" Makube was silent as he considered the options of both. "Kill. Heathens against the Vatican and God must burn for their crimes." Giving a brief reply of "Understood" he watched the helicopter take off, headed out to the south. No doubt to seek a more secluded home, hiding from the people of Iscariot. Leaping from the church tower he stretched out his arms, his wingsuit springing to life. Speeding along he used his grapple to give him a bigger boost, closing in on the helicopter. Aiming carefully now he latched on with the grapple, and closed his wingsuit reeling in. Priming the detonation charge he wasted no time slamming his hand against the helicopter, attaching the explosive to the helicopters tail. Leaping back he pressed his detonator and sprang back into his wingsuit, watching the helicopters tail blast off from the explosives power, then began a  tailspin to the beach below, half burning half dug into the sand as it crashed.

Panting in fear, the man sprang from his seat. Barely able to, he forced open the door of his now destroyed helicopter, only to see the figure standing over him, outlined by the setting sun behind him. "Please, you must help me! Their coming! You must-" his pleas died in his throat as he saw the man draw a golden revolver, gasping as he realized who it was. "The Catholic Drago." He muttered, watching helplessly as the man pointed the barrel at him and pulled the trigger.

"Another death last night Sir Integra. A politician this time, one who also protested Iscariot's presence in the military. They claim it was a crash." Integra leaned forward in her seat as he said that last part "Claim? You don't think that's the truth?" A shuffling sound, followed by response "No. I saw the Catholic Drago flying towards it moments before it went down." She sighed a heavy sigh, the Iscariot's use of the famed Aquila's son was repulsive. They took a man who was a symbol of hope and rebellion, and made his son a symbol of oppression and darkness for their own agenda. "Thank you. Now head home. Contact us if anything else happens."

Ending the call the man left the payphone. Unaware the Drago was following him, and had heard everything. Quickly he found his car, and turned the key. The last thing he felt was searing pain as the explosion ripped entirely through him.

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