Hunting The Hunter: Drago On The Run

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You and Lucy sat down on the couch as your host walked in, sitting down. "So Mr Frigo we were wondering​ if you might have an idea as to where we might start looking for The Drago." Sitting down the old revolutionary thought on it for awhile, before he spoke. "Well he never really made any friends before the Church took him in after Rico's death." Looking at Lucy you wondered if that might be a problem. "But he has only two places I can think he'd run off to." Not waiting for Lucy to be the nice polite one you cut in "Where might those be sir?" Looking at you he counted on his fingers as he spoke "Here. And his families home in Manaea. Other then that I can't really help you two. I would love to but I just can't​." Sighing you let Lucy handle it from there. As you walked out you heard her tell him "Thank you Mr Frigo. We'll look for him." Standing up she shook his hand and followed after you. "Why are you so invested in finding him (F/N)? For all we know he could try to shoot us if he even thinks we're there." Ignoring her you hopped into the small Urga Ogre you had rode here in. Turning the engine over you drove down the hill, headed for the costal city of Manaea.

As you searched through the buildings you finally found the address. Parking on the street you hopped out, walking to the door. Placing your hand over the knob you felt the lock release as your shadow expertly manipulated the inner workings. "God I love doing that" you muttered as you opened the door. Looking around you saw nothing but dust and darkness. Damn, it looked like Integras love life. Stepping in you could tell there hadn't been anyone there in years at least. Dust covered everything, and the hinges of the door were rusted over and ready to fall off. "Well I guess he found a new freakin hiding hole." Hitting the door you turned and headed back to the car, where Lucy waited patiently for you. "You owe me a drink for the waste of time this was" driving down the road you sighed "Didn't know you drank." Shrugging she looked out at the beautiful countryside "Well we didn't bet so I couldn't say you owed me money and if I said anything else you would have objected like a little kid. Am I wrong?" Looking at you she noted the fact your grip on the wheel was a bit tighter at the comment. "Your right"

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