Settling All Debts

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As you stood with your friends, Alucard and Seras no longer watching, you discussed your next move. "With the head of the army cut off, the island will surely return to a peaceful rule." Marco said hopefully. "Not yet." You chided, "Makube still claims religious rule here, and while he does Iscariot will control Medici. You need to kill him." Marco looked to you as if you were insane. "Me? That's impossible, I wouldn't know where to find him. Even if I did what makes you think I could kill him better then-" With your hand raised, he silenced himself. "Do not worry about finding him. I can do that. As for killing him, it is not my place to kill him. You have a debt to settle with him, I don't. This is your dragon Catholic. It's up to you to slay it, for I have already slain mine." Marco seemed shocked for a few moments, then sighed. Nodding he looked at you with determination. "Yes. I can. He will pay for smearing the name of the Church with his sins." Smiling you looked to the highest mountain on the island. "He is up there, there are jets in the hangar you can fly to reach him. We will join you if you so choose, but not interfere." Following your gaze Marco thought for a moment. "Follow, I wish to be in the presence of friends, for I doubt he will be there alone." Marching with purpose more then ever in his life, Marco went to the first jet he saw, and started it's engines.

"Well now. It would appear that our Drago has turned on us. He seems intent on coming here to finish me." Makube chuckled, Henkel looking at him. "Do not worry Chief Makube. He will die before he comes to finish you." Chuckling again Makube replied. "Yes Heinkel. That is what I like about you, your loyalty." You scoffed as you and Lucy appeared behind them in dark shadows. "Loyalty to a fool." Makube's smirk did not fade as you appeared, turning to face you he merely snidely replied "I am no fool." Henkel growled and drew her rifle. "Then a con. You lie, claiming God in your actions yet commit atrocities to play your twisted games." You replied with equal calm, even as Henkel aimed at you both. "Don't bother Henkel." Makube chided. "The girl will merely deflect it. She is one of those things after all. The ones Israphel spoke of." Growling Lucy bitterly remarked "I am no thing, I am Lucy Hellsing. The woman who could tear you apart from here." The sound of a roaring jet over headed ended the conversation. "Your reaper comes Makube. Enjoy eternity in Hell." You remarked as you guided Lucy away, you'd said it yourself that Makube was Marcos dragon to slay, not you or Lucy's.

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