Miracle Retrieval, Retreat Of Iscariot

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A.N: So the contest is still open people, now that I added all the hints last chapter you should be getting a good idea of who it is.
The bullet whizzed by your head, making you jump back, crying out in surprise. "What the hell." Something the size of you and Kaede tackling her to the ground, sliding along past her.

"You must be Iscariot's new agent" Alucard stated, aiming his pistol at the boy, who appeared armed to the teeth, two pistols and a rifle. "Yeah. What's it to you demon." He quickly drew his gold clad revolvers and fired off two three shot bursts into Alucard. Once he dropped the boy turned to the horned girl and aimed at her heart, only to feel himself be forced into a combat hold "Hey dipshit can you explain yourself before you start shooting us." You had forced him into a full Nelson, forcing the pistols from his grip. "Duck" guessing the red clad vampire meant you you did so, another rifle bullet blasted past you. "Tell your sniper to stop shooting us will you?!" You slammed his head into the cobblestones.

Using every bit of his strength the Iscariot child shoved you back, then spun and planted his boot firmly into your throat with a hard kick. Then dived for his pistols, only for a red clad foot to slam into his hand. "AH" he cried in pain, looking up at the blond girl before him "Master you can see her right?" Seras Victoria asked. "Yes. She's on the radio tower a kilometer away."

Heinkel froze, the rifle of that bitch Seras aimed at her. Standing she fled, barely missing the shot as it hit the metal support above her.

"Vampire bitch" he muttered, clicking his detonation  remote the boy heard and felt the flashbangs on his belt go off, blinding most of them. Quickly he hooked into the wall of a near by building and reeled himself out of firing range.

"I think you guys won. Now can you explain who the hell you guys are?!" You demanded, and mentally questioned to yourself why it seemed they had a dress code demanding red.

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