Severing All Ties: Makubes Betrayal

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It had been a few days since the attack on the oil rigs, you and Lucy had been brought to the rebel hideout in Isla Dracon, an old air carrier half sunk under the water. You had been hanging around the communications array, trying to find anything out about that Drago guy. Having heard nothing today you left, headed to the firing range to give some help to the untrained rag tag militia. "Hey vampiro. Come here and listen to this." Walking to the small bunch of people you heard the broadcast before you saw the screen "This man has unabashedly slaughtered soliders and destroyed property belonging to Medici. If you find him report him to the military, and avoid him if possible." Shutting off the TV the nearest man turned to you "Looks like the Trump Card of Iscariot decided to go rouge. What do you think of that vampiro?" Shaking your head you thought back to the oil rig, your enhanced hearing barely able to hear the conversation between him and Makube. "He was ordered by that guy. This guy's backstabbing him." Chuckling you grinned "This Makube guy is one hell of a manipulator."

"You manipulative Bastardo!" Slamming his wrench into the ground the Drago stood, looking over his finally finished car. "Well if your gonna throw me under that goddamn bus, I'm forcing it to burn in Hell." Sliding into the small Urga Ogre he fired the engine up, peeling out. Speeding down the road he headed for the only place he knew he could reach undetected, a small guard outpost on the coast.

Parking right outside the outpost, he stood, drawing his rifle as he stormed in. Unleashing a hail of bullets he gunned down many of the soliders, headed for the vital assets of the base. As he heard the men try and fight he let loose, throwing grenades, shooting them down. Placing a fresh magazine in the receiver he strapped all the explosives he could to the distillation towers.

"Sir. Reports are coming in, the traitor has attacked and destroyed our costal outpost in Isla Striate." Sighing Makube leaned back, "Don't bother sending any attacking forces. He's probably long gone." Thinking on it a moment longer Makube came to a decision "Send the commander of Falco Maxime. He can start tracking him for us." Paling at the prospect of meeting the commander the messanger nodded, and rushed off to comply with his orders.

Whistling in appreciation you looked at the reports the rebels had intercepted. It contained damage reports of an outpost in the north, and rather impressive damage at that. "Both distillation towers destroyed, all communication and other scanning equipment destroyed. Sounds like that Drago guy." Then you noticed one notation along the end of the report. Reading it aloud you tried to make sense of it "Recovered at the scene was an experimental weapon known as the M4-88​. A small nuclear launcher with a Bavarium warhead." Setting it down you nodded "He's throwing away the thing that bloodied his hands. Symbolic motherfucker ain't he."

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